Saturday 20th of July 2024
نفر 0

Allah made him so powerful

Composed by: Saleha Fatima
Toronto, Canada

Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He was made from light of Allah He reflected might of Allah Allah made him so powerful That all life he was powerful
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Allah gave him such vast knowledge Of heaven and earth he had knowledge Had past, present, future knowledge Of all holy books had knowledge
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Allah gave him the purity He was unique in purity All his life he never did sin All his life had no thought of sin
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He was Allah’s Proof on earth He was Allah’s mercy on earth He was the guide for people of world Sent as helper to people of world
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He was born with a glowing face Had miracle, power and grace By miracle he bowed his head With faith in Allah he bowed his head
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He sat up and looked at the skies Angels saluted from the skies He was the prince of king and heavens Respected him angels of heavens
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He was master of all humans He was master of all angels Master of all living beings Controller of non-living beings
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He sat up manifesting grace The divine light shown from his face the wonderful light the powerful light Made the earth bright and skies the bright
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
As baby he was powerful Took Allah’s names and was joyful As baby in cradle he was great Had super qualities was great
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Being in cradle he looked high His vision went beyond the sky Above all havens and Paradise Above Kauthar, Tasneem Paradise
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Above Paradise, higher and high Above Sidra near Arsh so high He looked at holy Guarded Tablet Like Hasan he read Guarded Tablet
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
The Guarded Tablet contained matter Of events happening till Mahsher All that matter was in his mind Given by God merciful and kind
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
As a baby he had knowledge Of heaven and earth he had knowledge Knowledge of heavenly matters Knowledge of all worldly matters
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He was born as a great Imam Had qualities of great Imam His father was the tenth Imam God made Askari eleventh Imam
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
In his house there was a deep well Askari crawled in well he fell His father great Ali Naqi Was praying to God Almighty
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
The ladies screamed painfully cried Askari smiled and not cried Completing prayers went Naqi Saw miracle of Askari
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He was on the top of water Did not get drowned by his power Imam Naqi did miracle Got water raised by miracle
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
His body was dry and clothes were dry He was smiling did not cry All ladies thanked powerful Imam 
Ali Naqi, wonderful Imam
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
As a baby he was Imam And as a child he was Imam One day he was with group of boys Who were plying with the toys
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He did not play with worldly toy When asked he said I am that boy Who knows what is the aim of life Worship knowledge are aims of life
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Allah has said in holy Quran You weren’t created aimless O man Each and every person in world With special aim was sent to world
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Thus he explained that the childhood If spent in gaining knowledge is good Even though young may be a boy Worshipping Allah he should get joy
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
When Askari was four years old He left Madinah but was bold His father called by enemy Went as reflector of mercy
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Askari went with his father Stayed in Samarra with his father Mutawakkel the cruel king Had large army was a big king
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He wanted to frighten Imam He showed his army to Imam Imam opened his two fingers Showed heavens’ army in two fingers
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He showed billions of the angels In largest number were angels Alert to fight with heavenly might Imam was controller of might
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari


Marriage of Imam Hasan Askari (A.S.) with the Descendant of the Successor of Jesus
Sham’oon was Jesus’ successor – After Jesus he had power His far descendant was a lady – married to king and got baby
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Maleeka was the holy baby To pious girl grew up baby She was to marry her cousin Her grandfather’s choice was cousin
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Many hundreds ambassadors Many hundreds were preachers Each one of them was royal guest To witness princess’ marriage at best
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
As a groom came the young cousin To sit beside the bride cousin An unknown power shook the earth From throne the groom fell on the earth
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Secret of this they did not know The priests also could not know They said this is heavenly sign Marriage should stop is heavenly sign
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
King made next cousin become groom He wanted to marry her soon New groom climbed up came to throne Had to sit on the royal throne
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
When he sat down beside the bride The power changed the happy tide The earth trembled and throne broke down The groom again from throne fell down
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
The priests said sorry, sorry O king The bride should not accept the ring This marriage should never take place Another failure should not face
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Marriage was cancelled being denounced “All go home, Sorry!” was announced The bride came to her room and slept She saw wonderful dream when slept
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Jesus, Sham’oon and many angels Came to her palace with angels They placed high pulpit made of light And expected some men of light
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Those men of light, Prophet, eleven Imams They came to marry eleventh Imam Jesus, Sham’oon hugged all of them Happily welcomed all of them
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Muhammad said I want to marry Maleeka to Hasan Askari Jesus, Sham’oon accepted it Maleeka’s heart accepted it
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Sham’oon successor of Prophet (Jesus) Became relative of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) Muhammad (S.A.W.) sat on the pulpit Performed marriage from the pulpit
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Maleeka saw the truth in dream Got married to Askari in dream Fourteen more nights she was at rest Again in dream fortune was best
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
She saw Mary and Fatima (A.S.) With houries came to Maleeka Maleeka said to Askari Never comes in dream to see me Fatima (A.S.) said he is Imam Will come when you accept Islam
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
She accepted Islam with heart The Kalima Fatima (A.S.) taught Came Askari in dream next night She was delighted seeing his light
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Every night he came to her dream Maleeka was blessed in dream She was in non-Islamic home Had danger to her life at home
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
She could never express her faith She could never practice her faith Therefore on one night Askari Explained her how she could get free
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
She followed all his instructions And joined the group of maid servants And went with grandfather’s army Disguised as servant of army
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
The army fought with Muslim king And got defeated by that king All maid servants got arrested Came to Baghdad being arrested
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Eleventh Imam Ali Naqi Sent Bashar giving letter and money Said “Go to shore and wait for ship! Some maids will be brought in ship
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
They will be sold as maid servants Princess will be in maid servants Won’t want to be seen by any one Won’t want to be touched by any one
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
You pay her price and bring to me As Askari she will marry Bashar went and witnessed this scene A group of maid servants were seen
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
A beautiful pious lady Was like a moon in her beauty A rich man offered largest price Wanted to buy at highest price
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
In olden days servants were sold At high, low prices they were sold The rates according to nature Were offered by future master
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
When man offered the highest price Maleeka said don’t waste your price If you have Sulaiman’s kingdom My heart won’t go for that kingdom
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
I am reserved for Prince of Heavens I’m daughter-in-law of King of Heavens Bashar gave letter of Ali Naqi She read, kissed letter of Ali Naqi
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
And said to seller sell me to him As letter of Imam was sent with him she said she won’t go with other Let him be rich, in looks better
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Seller said price was two twenty Dinars in bag were two twenty She was sold and she was happy Came with Bashar and was happy
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Imam Ali Naqi welcomed A bag of money he too offered But she wanted reward in heavens She was the bride of Prince of Heavens
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Ali Naqi said she was chosen To high position she was chosen She will be mother of final Hujjat Imam Mahdi final Hujjat
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Hakeema Khatoon Naqi’s sister Took her to teach details to her To teach Fiqh, Practice of Islam She learned fast details of Islam
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
One day she was sent as a bride To live with Prince of Heaven with pride Askari was her real groom She was reserved for heavenly groom
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
One day Naqi was called by king Mutawakkal bitterest king And he was put inside prison Although he never committed sing
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Allah made him infallible All life, he was infallible Quran proved his purity Allah explained his purity (


Source: 33:33


Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Mutawakkal was bitterest Enemy of people, the best Who were Muhammad’s progeny They were Hujjats of Almighty
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
He was enemy of Islam And wanted to kill the Imams He imprisoned Ali Naqi And tortured great Ali Naqi
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
One day he poisoned great Imam And he took life of great Imam Askari mourned for his father In Samarra buried father
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
When he became eleventh Imam People visited eleventh Imam He preached them details of Islam The faith and practice of Islam
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Umme Ghanam’s grandson with stone Came to get his sign on the stone The powerful Imam took the stone As sign on was he signed the stone
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
This was the test of Imamat Genuine Imam’s Imamat From first Imam were all the signs On stone were taken all the signs
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
By signing Askari did prove He was true Imam he proved Allah appointed him Imam He was the true eleventh Imam
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Askari reflector of Quran Wrote Tafsir of holy Quran He wrote the Quranic details He explained hidden details
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
For Namaz when got up to pray With deep devotion he did pray Pen used to stand on the paper By his miracle wrote on paper
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
By his miracle used to write Tafsir from his mind used to write He was master of living beings Controller of non-living beings
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Ishaq-e-Kindi was a man Who was against holy Quran Controlled by Satan was that man Wanted to write against Quran
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
To his student Imam said Tell to Ishaq you are misled Some verses have hidden meanings Cannot reject hidden meanings
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
And the verses you understood Had some meanings misunderstood The meanings that Allah had meant Could be different from what you meant
Billions of salutes to Askari The great Imam Askari
Hearing this Ishaq woke up All written papers he tore up Immediately got matches Burned all the papers to ashes

source : http://abna.ir/
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