Sunday 23rd of June 2024
نفر 0

Blessing on Muhammad and his Progeny (s.a.w.s.) part 3

O Allah! Our life is depending on whatever is necessary in life, increase them through the medium of your blessings. How could our heart be happy by the worldly desires? How could our dealings be formal in worldly trouble? How could our happiness be ruined and how could our deceits prevent from absurdity and useless talk.

Though our graves inform us that death is coming near O My Lord! How could we find the way when pits are ready for us to make us sleep and the strings of treacherous world has been distributed by the hands of death and made us helpless and made us drink bitter sip of water

Our soul has been informed us that the life will be terminated I wish that I would not distant about he worldly comforts and would not take a false step O My Lord! I pray to you earnestly to help me to pass across the bridge and request you to save us from the false desires and request you to raise the curtains of confusion from the heart and save me from the wrong and uncivilized intentions of the mind.

O My Lord! Do the houses have strength to save from the attack of troubles? When one of the arrows of the death falls in every house. O Allah! If our heart would not fear while shifting from the world or if you would not keep up aloof from the virtuous people there. O Allah! If you keep us near to you, then separation of our brothers and other relatives will not harm us. O Allah the Bestower! Veins of our throat and tongues would not dry up if unnatural offence would not turn round and round like birds.

O Allah! I was an obedient person and had created me from obey your commands. You cursed me and kept me away from your bounties because of my bad deeds. And if you show mercy on me, whenever I was an obedient to you but you found me guilty and made me free. O My Lord! There is no way to be saved from evils without your safety.

There is no source to reach up to the good deeds except your will. Now after your previous will I shall try to take advantage of my deeds so I can protect myself from sins and for that if you would not help me.

O My Lord! I did not know anything but when you gave the guidance for the heaven and after knowing about that my heart turned towards it. Is that so that after turning towards the good deeds, you would disappoint me? Though whatever you do what you like and it is praise worthy. O Allah! The Lord of Majesty and Generosity!

If I am not deserved for your blessing then do favour. It is your capability because the Generous never blessed only on deserve person. O Allah! I hope for your Generosity but not a capable but at prest I am deserved for your blessings

O Allah! If my sins make me frighten, do favour on me due to your great personality and my hopes turn out to be pleasant. O My Lord! My request is not like a common beggars because if they become unsuccess they give out begging and I donot feel shame to ask for my request at any cost. O my Lord! Be pleased with me. Sometimes the master forgives his slave for his error. O my Lord! How can I say, I am a great sinner and how can I be disappointed from you because you are generious and Merciful.

O my Lord! My life and my soul are present before you and you cast a shadow of beauty on it. As you did what is suitable for you and hid me in your rewards. If my death is near and if my deeds do not allow me to come to you then I have also decided to confess my sin again and again in your court for forgiveness.

O My Lord! You are the Pardoner. Who can be the other Pardoner except you and if you would punish me then who is the subordinate judge at that time more than you?

O my Lord! If I show high handedness for the defence of my soul and then also your given limits continuing as before and even then if I do not hang my neck down then rebuke on my soul. O My Lord! You showed your mercy on my whole life so do not finish your kindness after my death.

O Allah! Why should I disappoint from your nice favour after my death? As you showed your good favour in my life. O my Lord! My sins frightened me but my love towards you gave me protection. Help me as you are capable and take care of my ignorance.

O Allah! Nothing is concealed for your great personality and send your blessing on your Prophet Muhammed (s.a.w.a.) and his progeny. And forgive my sins which are hidden in the right of common people. O My Lord! You concealed my sins from me in the world and did not disclose. As I am deserved not to disclose my sins in here after. As you showed your favour and concealed my sins before the people of Muslim community.

Do not disgrace me on the day of resurrection before the world. My hopes increased seeing your generosity and you accepted my deeds. Make me cheerful when my death is near. O my Lord! My repentance is like a sinner, whose excuses are accepted.

O Allah, The Great! The accused apologize and do not disgrace me for my only one wish for which I passed my whole life and that is your forgiveness.

O my Lord! If you would desirous for my insult then you would not give the guidance or if you would like my infamy, you would not conceal my faults and for that you showed me the right path to get good benefit and whatever my sin you have concealed, keep it firm.

O my Lord! In your trial, I praise you for your expected trial and mentioned your elegancy. This is the completion of your forgiveness O Allah! If I would not fear of my sin then how would I saved from your wrath and would become a petitioner of your reward. Your Personality is best from all virtuous people you excuse the sinners and fulfil the desires of desirous people who request for your mercy.

source : http://www.duas.org
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