Wednesday 26th of June 2024
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Muslim Community Sent Message Of Peace On July 4

Members of metro Atlanta's Muslim community spent part of the Fourth of July holiday spreading a message of peace and unity.

Organizers of a small gathering at the Bethak Banquet Hall in Duluth said they want to move beyond recent controversy surrounding the proposals to expand and build mosques in Lilburn and Alpharetta.

But Monday’s event wasn't about politics, but patriotism.

"I’m here to say the Pledge of Allegiance," said Gwinnett teen Suha Rashied. She was among a group of children who lead the gathering with a salute to the American flag.

The families who gathered Monday said the show of patriotism was more important than any fireworks.

"We wanted to remind everybody, yes, we are your fellow Americans and we are sending a message of peace and harmony," said organizer Shamina Voora.

Voora said Monday’s celebration of the nation's Independence Day is a first in metro Atlanta, a chance for local Muslim to send a message of peace. That was echoed by civil rights leader and Baptist minister the Rev. Gerald Durley.

"When we communicate, we eradicate the ignorance. When we eradicate the ignorance, we eradicate the fear," said Durley.

"A lot of what they think about Muslims is based on fantasy, is based on sensationalism. They don't know what real-world Muslims look like,” Voora said.

Voora told Channel 2's Kerry Kavanaugh those real-world Muslims are families, mothers, fathers and kids excited to celebrate this Independence Day.

source : http://abna.ir
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