Friday 28th of June 2024
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Over 900 Works Sent for Imam Hussein (AS) Festival

Cultural-art deputy of the General Office of Islamic Culture and Guidance in East Azerbaijan Province announced that over 900 works in various categories have been sent to the secretariat of Imam Hussein (AS) festival. 

 According to the information office of the festival, Mohammad Dadi said on September 26 that 300 artists have sent their poems, books, book summaries, short stories, calligraphies, film and theater scripts and photos to attend the festival. 

 He noted that there are 387 poems and 340 photos among the works. 

 Regarding the cultural and religious background of the province, he stated that the great incident of Ashura has deeply affected thoughts of the people of the region and they follow the noble teachings of Imam Hussein (AS) in their lives. 

 The deputy stressed the important responsibility of those involved with culture and art in reviving Imam Hussein’s (AS) tradition and promote the culture of Ahl-ul-Bayt (AS) in the society. 

 He added that those interested to attend the festival should send their works to the secretariat by October 7.

source : http://abna.ir
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