Wednesday 8th of January 2025
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Imam Ali (A.S.) and Hadrat Fatima (A.S.) in Hadith

"Fatima is a human huri, whenever I long for paradise I kiss her."? [1] or: "My daughter Fatima is a human huri." [2] or: "Fatima is the true splendor." [3]

or with Anas Ibn Malik's Mother saying:

"Fatima was like a moon on its full night, or the sun covered with no clouds. She was white with a touch of rose color on her face, her hair was black and she had the beautiful features of the Messenger of Allah (S)” [4]

or Aisha's saying:
"I have not seen a person more similar to the Prophet's appearance, conduct, guidance and speech whether sitting or standing than Fatima. When she enters, the Messenger of Allah stands up, kisses and welcomes her, then takes her hand and asks her to sit in his place." [6]

Also in Bihaqi's quotation in Sunah vol. 7, p. 101, Aisha said:
"I have not seen anyone more similar to the Messenger of Allah's habit of speech and dialogue than Fatima... "

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) says to Ali (A.S.) "Your conduct and looks are similar to mine, and you are from the same tree from which I came." [10]

While the Prophet declared that Ali was the best man of his nation, for he was the most patient and best mannered one of them all, and says:
"Ali is the best of my nation, most knowledgeable and most patient from among them” [11]

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) say to Fatima?

"I gave you in marriage to the first one to adhere to Islam from my nation, he is also the most knowledgeable and most patient among them?" [12]

"I gave you in marriage to the first Muslim and best mannered man." [13]
"He was the first to believe in me, and he will be the first to shake my hand on the Day of Rising!?"

He also informed his companions that:
"The first among you to appear at my domain (reservoir), is he who was the first among you to follow Islam Ali Ibn Abu Talib."

Or with that which was narrated in the story of the roasted bird?which is mentioned in the Sahihs and Musnads?when the Prophet said:
"O Allah, bring the most beloved creature to You so that he may eat with me."

or when he said to Aisha:
"Surely Ali is the most beloved of all men and the most precious to me. Therefore, recognize his rights, and pay tribute to him." [19]

"The most beloved of all men to me is Ali.” [20]

“Ali is the best of those whom I leave behind me (after death)." [21]

"The best of your men is Ali Ibn Abu Talib, and the best of your women is Fatima Bint Muhammad." [22]

"Ali is the best of mankind, and he who denies (this) is an infidel." [23]

"He who does not say that Ali is the best of mankind is surely an infidel." [24]

And in Banner's narration where it has been unanimously agreed that he (S) said:
"Tomorrow I will hand over the banner to a man whom Allah and His Messenger love, and who loves Allah and His Messenger."

“Ali to me is like my head to my body." [25]

“Ali to me is like I am to my Lord." [26]

“Ali is the most beloved to me, and the most beloved to Allah." [27]

He (S) also said to Ali:
"I am from you, and you are from me; or you are from me and I am from you.” [28]

'Ali is from me and I am from him; he is the guardian (wali) of every believer after me." [29]

?In the narration regarding sending Ali (A) to read Surah At-tawbah (Surah No. 9) to the pilgrims on which it has been unanimously agreed, he said:
"No one takes it (to the pilgrims) except a man being from me and I from him." [30]

"Your flesh is my flesh, your blood is my blood, and righteousness is on your side.” [31]

"There is not a prophet who has not had a peer, and Ali is my peer.” [32]

Also, in a narration that Al?Hakim deemed authentic, Tabarani related to Umme Salama the following:
"Whenever the Prophet of Allah was angered, no one dared to speak to him save Ali.” [33]

Also Aisha said:
"(I declare) by Allah that I have not seen anyone more beloved to Allah 's Messenger than Ali, or a woman on earth more beloved to him than his wife (Ali's wife, Fatima)." [34]

Buraida and Ubae also said:
"The most beloved to the Messenger of Allah from among women is Fatima, and from among men is Ali.,, [35]

And Juma Ibn Umair said:
"I entered Ali's house with my Aunt, when I inquired as to who was the most beloved of all people to Allah's Messenger?! She said: Fatima. Then she was asked: And from among men? She said: her husband, ever since I met him he has been fasting and praying." [36]

"Surely Allah has examined the dwellers of Earth and has chosen your Father to be a prophet, He then examined (them) and chose your husband, then He revealed to me that I give (you to him in) marriage and appointed him as my successor." [37]

He (S) also said to Fatima:
"Surely Allah chose two men from the dwellers of Earth, one being your Father and the other your husband." [38]

[1] Tareekh Baghdad by Khateeb Baghdadi: v.5, p.86.
[2] Sawaiq Al?Muhriqa and Is'af Ar?Raghebeen: p.173.
[3] Nuzhat Al?Jaliss: v.2, P222.
[4] Mustadrak Al?Hakim: v.3, p.161.
[5] Sirat Al?Muwla, Dhakha'er Al?Uqbi.
[6] Tirmadhi and Ibn Abdurabbeh in Eqd Al?Farid: v.2, p.3.
[7] Esti'ab: v.2, p.469.
[8] Tahdheeb Al?Asma Wal?Lugh?t.
[9] Hilyat Al?Awlia: v.1, p. 84.
[10] Tareekh Baghdad: v.11, p.171.
[11] Tabari, Khateeb, Dulabi as was mentioned in Kanz Al?Umal: v.6, p.153.
[12] Musnad Ahmad: v.5, p. 26, Ryadh An?Nadherah: v.2, p.194.
[13] Ryadh An?Nadherah: v.2, p.194.
[14] Mustadrak Al?Hakim: v.3, p.154., Tadhkirat Al?Bast: p.175., Maqtal Al?Kharazmi: v.1, p.54., Kefayat At?Talib: p.219., Kanz Al?Umal: v.7, p.111., Sawiq: p.105.
[15] Al?Fusul Al?Muhammad: p.150., Nuzhat Al?Majalis: v.2, p.228., Nur Al?Absar: p.45.
[16] Sahih Al?Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmadhi, Musnad Ahmad: v.4, p. 328., Khasaes An?Nisaee: p.35.
[17] Sahih Al?Bukhari, Khasaes An?Nisaee: p.35.
[18] Most historical sources mention them
[19] Ryadh An?Nadherah: v.2, p.161., Dhakha'er Al?Uqbi: p.62.
[20] In another narration of: "of my kin."
[21] Mawaqif Al?Aiji: v.3, p.276, Majma' Al?Zawa'ed: v.9, p.113.
[22] Tareekh Baghdad: v.4, p.392.
[23] Tareekh Baghdad, Kunuz Al?Haqaeq, Hamish Al?Jame' Al?Saghir p.16, Kanz Al?Umal: p.159.
[24] Tareekh Baghdad: v.3, p. 192, Kanz Al?Umal: v.6, p.159.
[25] Tareekh Baghdad: v.7, p.12, Sawaeq: p.75, Jame' Al?Saghir by Suyuti, Nur Al?Absar: p.80.
[26] As?Sirat?Ul?Halabiyah: v.3, p. 391 Ryadh An?Nadherah: v.2, p.163.
[27] Tareekh Baghdad: v.1, p.160.
[28] Musnad Ahmad: v.5, p.204, Khasaes An?Nisaee: pp.36,51.
[29] Musnad Ahmad: v.5, p.356.
[30] Khasaes An?Nisaee: p.8.
[31] Al?Mahasen Wal?Masawi: v.1, p.31.
[32] Ar?Ryadh An?Nadherah: v.2, p.164.
[33] Sawaeq: p.73, Tareekh Al?Khulafa by Suyuti: p.116.
[34] Mustadrak Al?Hakim: v.3, P154, Khasaes An?Nisaee: p.29.
[35] Khasaes An?Nisaee: p.29, Mustadrak Al?Hakim: v.3, p.115.
[36] Jame' At?Tirmadhi: v.2, p.227, other collective books.
[37] Tabarani, Kanz Al?Ummal: v.6, p.153, Majma' Al?Zawaed: v.9, p.165.
[38] Mawaqif Al?Aiji: p.8.

source : http://abna.ir/
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