Saturday 4th of January 2025
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The Martyrdom of Ali al-Akbar

The last person to fight in the cause of Imam Husain (a.s) was his second son Ali al-Akbar (a.s) who was then eighteen years old. He was the darling of the family. He very much resembled the Prophet (s), not only in appearance and bearing but also in the manner of speech. His aunt Zainab (a.s) and his mother Layla were severely grief stricken on his departure for battle. Imam Husain (a.s) asked them to pray for his safe return. When Ali al-Akbar (a.s) went to fight the challenging enemy, he overcame every mighty opponent who came for single combat.

The efforts in the battle coupled with the lack of water over the past three days brought with it excruciating thirst. Ali al-Akbar returned to the camp and said, “If only I could get a gulp of water, I would show the enemy the mettle of a Hashemite warrior.” Hearing this, Imam Husain (a.s) called and asked him to suckle his tongue, as there was not even a drop of water available. When he took his father’s tongue in his mouth, he immediately withdrew it saying, “Father, your thirst is more severe than mine, for your tongue is parched and hard.”

Ali al-Akbar (a.s) went back to the battlefield. This time, Imam Husain (a.s) forbade Zainab and Layla from praying for the safe return of Ali al-Akbar (a.s). With renewed vigor, Ali al-Akbar (a.s) fought the enemy, who instead of coming for single combat, now attacked him in a concerted effort of the cavalry, archers, lancers and infantrymen. The lance of the wretch Sinan ibn Anas pierced Ali al-Akbar’s chest and passed through his liver.

All the day, Imam Husain (a.s.) used to call Abbas (a.s) and Ali al-Akbar (a.s) to help him bring the bodies of every martyr. Now, when he heard the cry of Ali al-Akbar (a.s), there was no one remaining to assist him. Hameed ibn Muslim records, “In the morning of Ashura when I saw him, al-Husain appeared much younger than his sixty three years. By the time al-Abbas was martyred, he was stooping from the waist. The colour of his beard had turned salt-and-pepper. When I saw him hurrying to the side of his martyred son Ali al-Akbar, he was stumbling and his vision appeared to have dimmed. His hair had turned completely grey and he appeared to have suddenly aged into a very old man. He was calling out:‘Where are you Ali? Where is my Ali? Oh Lord, help me to find my son!’ At that moment, Ali al-Akbar’s horse appeared, smeared with blood, and it pulled al-Husain to where its master was rolling in blood.”[1]

When Imam Husain (a.s) attempted to lift his son’s full-fledged body, he found that all his strength had suddenly drained. He prayed God to give him the strength to lift the body. With great difficulty, he lifted and put his son’s body on the back of the horse and took him to his camp. He called out the children to help him in bringing down the body of Ali al-Akbar from the back of the horse. Some years later in a congregation, a person asked Imam Zainul Aabidin (a.s), “I was present at Karbala on the day of Ashura. Though it was a very solemn occasion for the Ahlul Bayt (a.s), towards the end of the day, I saw a woman of noble stature clad in red clothes. I wonder what the happy occasion was which warranted the wearing of a red colored dress.” On hearing this, Imam Zainul Aabidin (a.s.) wept and said, “The woman was my aunt Zainab. She had assisted my father in getting down my brother Ali al-Akbar’s body from on the back of the horse and her clothes were smeared with his blood and appeared red.”

The enemy, finding that there none was left in Imam Husain’s camp except women, children and the ailing and unconscious Imam Zainul Aabidin (a.s) and Imam Husain (a.s) himself, started shouting and clamoring for Imam Husain (a.s) to come out and fight them.

Imam Husain (a.s) bade farewell to his family members and came out to face the challenge. He asked Umar bin Sa’d to order his men to be quite so that they might hear his words. Umar replied, “I will order my men, but can I prevent the neighing of horses and the clanging of armors?”  

[1] Life of Imam Husain the Saviour, p. 220.

Imam Husain (a.s) said, “If you are not capable of it, I shall do it.” Then, Imam Husain (a.s) cast a glance all around. The men became quite, the neighing of horses and the clanging of armors stopped. A miraculous and absolute silence prevailed over the entire battlefield.

Imam Husain (a.s) first glorified God while addressing the enemy:

“God has created this world as a temporary and ever changing abode for his creatures. Its pleasures entrap men and those who run after such pleasures are, in reality, the losers. Let not the pleasures of this world deceive you, for it denies you that which you seek and deprives you of that which you aspire. I find that you have united in that which God deplores and have thus incurred God’s wrath. You had apparently accepted God’s sovereignty and Muhammad’s prophethood. Yet strangely, you have joined hands against the very progeny of the Holy Prophet’s and intend to kill them. Satan has prevailed over you and you have forsaken God. You and your evil plans are going to be destroyed very soon. We are from God and to Him is our return. You people have rescinded and lost your faith and have become infidels. Tyrants will be soon destroyed.”[1]

On hearing this, the vile Shimr said, “What you say is not comprehensible to us, nor do we care for what you say.” Imam Husain (a.s) replied,

I say:fear the True God,[2] and do not slay me, for in any sense, it is neither legal nor proper for you to murder me. Nor have you any right to disgrace me,[3] for I am the son of the daughter of the messenger of Allah and my grandmother is Khadija. You know that the messenger of Allah had declared that Hasan and Husain are the masters of the youth of Paradise.”

So saying, Imam Husain (a.s) raised his voice so that everyone there might hear him. He said,

“O people of Iraq and all those who have gathered here, pay attention and listen carefully. Do not be hasty until you hear me fully, for you have the right to hear my objections and arguments before you, so that  

[1] Balaghatul Hussain, p. 105 – 107.
[2] The words ‘True God’ is used here to distinguish between the Creator on the one hand and the worldly wealth, power and pleasure which Yazid and his men worshiped as their god. 
[3] To demand fealty for Yazid and to compel Imam Husain [s] to swear allegiance to him is itself an act of insult and disgrace to Imam Husain [s].

if you decide justly, it will stand to gain. If, perchance, you are unable to decide justly,[1] I advise you first to, at least, consult and discuss among yourselves so that you may resolve any confusion, differences, difficulty or complication in the process of arriving at a just conclusion. After this, inform me of your final decision, but remember that God, Who had revealed the Book and protects the virtuous, is also my Protector.”

Imam Husain (a.s) then returned to his camp, so that the enemy might have the opportunity to discuss among themselves and arrive at their own conclusion.

After some time, Imam Husain (a.s) once again returned to advise the enemy forces. He said,

“You, people, are intent on being doomed. Is it not a fact that you yourselves wrote to me complaining of your bewilderment at the oppression and called me to your assistance? Have we not, at your behest, rushed to redeem you? Until yesterday, you had drawn your swords in our support and against oppression. Today, you have turned against us. You fanned the smoldering fire of freedom against the common bigots and oppressors, and today you are fanning the fire of hatred against us. You have now joined hands with the enemy and are now opposing your well-wishers, though your enemy has dealt injustice to you. You can not repose any hope for just reward from the enemy except for the possibility of getting impure and prohibited things of transitory carnal pleasure. Nothing has transpired to shake your faith and confidence in us. Then, what is the cause for deserting us and preparing to wage war against us, even when our swords were in their sheaths and we continued to repose confidence in you. Like swarms of locusts, you have gathered in great numbers and surrounded us. You are doomed because you have become oppressors, transgressors under Satan’s influence and you have forsaken the Divine Commandments. You have joined the group of infidels who introduced innovations in Islam, alterations in the Book and Traditions, killed prophets and the progeny of their vicegerents. You have now joined hands with those who adopted illegitimate children, persecuted true believers, reviled the signs of God and tore the Holy Qur’an into pieces. Your souls have accepted the most evil matter, which have drawn you, in its vortex towards eternal doom. You are  

[1] Injustice done out of fear or due to undue influence or avarice

supporting the offspring and associates of Harb (the Umayyads), and have betrayed us. Your betrayal is well-known. Your roots are founded in betrayal and your hearts are steeped in and content with betrayal. Your character is abhorred by the pious and you are the most desired fruit of usurpers. The curse of God is upon those who make solemn covenants only to break them. You are, verily, those who broke their solemn covenants. The illegitimate son of an illegitimate father (ibn Ziyad) is intent upon two things; to either slay me or put me to the disgrace of meek submission. It is impossible that I suffer the disgrace of submission. My upbringing by the messenger of Allah in immaculate laps, noble descent and independent mind does not brook even the very thought abandoning sacrifice in preference to meek submission to the power of the wretched tyrant. Look, I have discharged my duty of presenting my objections and arguments and I have sufficiently warned you against incurring God’s wrath for your evil intentions. You hold great numbers of soldiers in your army against me while the numbers of my own companions is very small. Friends have turned away from me and there is none to help me. Despite all this, I have decided to stand up to your evil forces.” [1]

According to Farwa, Imam Husain (a.s) then recited a few verses and continued:

“It is only for as short time as it takes to mount a horse that you will rejoice. Thereafter, you will be drawn and spun in the vortex of the wheel of Time. My father has related this to me from my grandfather.”

Imam Husain (a.s) continued:

It is better that all of you and your associates sort out the affair (to its proper and lawful conclusion) and do not hide your intent, but make it known to each and everyone of you. After this, you are free to deal with me forthwith, according to your choice. I only rely on God, Who is also your Lord, for He controls everything, big and small, and His Justice is sublime.” [2]

Hearing this, Umar ibn Sa’d was enraged, and he asked his men to attack Imam Husain (a.s) immediately. In his defense, Imam Husain (a.s) fought and prevailed over whoever challenged him for a single combat. The evil Shimr, as always, advised Umar ibn Sa’d to stop sending individuals, and to launch concerted attacks. Imam Husain  

[1] Balaghatul Hussain, p. 121–125.
[2] Ibid., p. 127-129.

(a.s) repelled the attacks with such ferocity that the enemy soldiers scattered for fear of their lives. Imam Husain (a.s) himself was wounded. He then raised his voice and called out, “Is there any one to defend us? Is there anyone to help us?”[1]

source : http://www.maaref-foundation.com
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