Al‑Dinawari gives us a fairly full account[56].
In the main, it seems to follow the traditional account, but it was probably based on a later recension of Abu Mikhnaf's work. On two points in the account he introduces material that differs from what has been reported earlier. He presents an account of Ibn al‑Zubayr trying to persuade the Imam al‑Husayn not to go to Kufa but to carry out his resistance to Yazid from the Hijaz[57].
This may be a survival of a Zubayrid Medinan tradition which supported Ibn al‑Zubayr, but did not want to denigrate the Imam al‑Husayn. The other point is that al‑Dinawari does not mention the three options often alleged to have been offered by the Imam to `Umar b. Sa`d. As far as he is concerned, the Imam only said that he was willing to go back, but Ibn Ziyad insisted that he pledge allegiance to Yazid[58].
In effect, al‑Dinawari's version is basically presenting the standard version with a high degree of sympathy and support for the Imam al‑Husayn.
[56] Al‑Dinawari, al‑Akhbar al‑Tiwal (Cairo, 1960), pp. 229‑62.
[57] Ibid., p. 244.
[58] Ibid., p. 254.
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