Thursday 9th of January 2025
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Relating to the events of the day of Ashooraa


Imam Husain (a.s) recited the morning Prayers with his companions. After finishing the Prayers he stood up and delivered a short sermon. He praised and glorified Allah and said,

“Verily Allah, the Mighty, the Sublime, has intended that you be martyred as also myself, thus you should forebear.”

This narrative has been quoted by Mas’oodi in Ithbaat al-Wasiyyah.

(Malhoof) Then Imam called for the Prophet’s horse named Murtajaz and mounted it and prepared his companions for battle and positioned them‌selves.

(Irshad) There were thirty two horsemen and forty foot-soldiers alongwith him.

It is related from Imam Mohammad al Baqir (a.s) that there were forty five horsemen and a hundred foot-soldiers with him. Besides there are others reports regarding it.

It is related in Ithbaat al-Wasiyyah that, “The number of the people with Imam on that day was sixty one. Allah, the Mighty, the Sublime, assisted his Religion with a thousand men from the beginning until the end.” When the Imam (a.s) was questioned regarding its interpretation, he said that from among them (the thousand) three hundred and thirteen were among the companions of Taloot, three hundred and thirteen among the Prophet’s companions in the battle of Badr, three hundred and thirteen shall be among the com‌panions of Imam al Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), while the remaining sixty one were martyred alongwith the Imam Husain (a.s) (in Karbala).”

(Irshad) Imam Husain (a.s) designated Zuhayr bin Qayn in charge of the right wing and Habeeb bin Muzhaahir in charge of the left wing, and handed over the standard of the army to his brother Abbas (a.s). They positioned

themselves in front of the tents, with their backs towards them. Then Imam commanded that the firewood, which was kept behind the tents, be put in the moat dug at night behind the tents and set it on fire, lest the enemies might attack from behind.

Umar bin Sa’ad arranged his troops on the morning of the tenth. (Kamil, Tabari). He appointed Abdullah bin Zuhayr Azdi in charge of (the unit of) Madina. Besides he designated Qays bin al-Aash’as in charge over the (unit of the) tribes of Rabi’ah and Kinda, Abdul Rahman bin Abu Sabarah Hanafi over Raba’, Mazhaj and Asad, Al-Hurr bin Yazeed Riyahi over Tameem and Hamadan. All of them escorted Umar in the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s) until the end except Al-Hurr, who went over to the Imam and attained martyrdom alongwith him. Umar also designated Amr bin Hajjaj Zubaydi in charge of the right wing, Shimr bin Ziljawshan in charge of the left wing, Urwah bin Qays Ahmasi as the chief of the horsemen, Shabas bin Rab’ee Yarboo’ee as chief of the foot-soldiers, and handed over the standard of the army to his retainer Durayd.

Abu Makhnaf relates from Amr bin Murrah Jamali, who says that Abi Salah Hanafi told him, that a retainer of Abdul Rahman bin Abd Rabbah Ansari told him, that I was alongwith my master, when the army prepared themselves for battle and turned towards Imam Husain (a.s). Then Imam ordered a tent to be pitched and a water bag to be brought and a large cup be filled with water. He entered the tent and applied the Noorah (an admixture of lime and water used as a hair remover in the olden days). [1] My master Abdul Rahman and Burayr bin Khuzayr Hamadani were standing on the door of the tent of Imam besides one another and desired that each one of them would get the opportunity to apply the Noorah immediately after the Imam. Burayr joked with Abdul Rahman, to which he said, “Leave me alone, for this is no time for vain speech.” Burayr replied, “Those acquainted with me know well that by Allah I have never resorted to vain gossips in my youth nor in my old age. But I am rejoicing over what is to come forth upon me. By Allah! There is no distance between us and the Hoorul Ein, except that the army might pierce their swords unto us and I befriend to be killed by their swords.” Then when Imam completed applying, we went and applied the Noorah. Then Imam Husain (a.s) mounted his horse and called for the Qur’an and placed it in front of him. The companions of the Imam fought severely in front of him, and when I saw them falling upon the ground, I ran away (in fright) leaving them behind.

Abu Makhnaf relates from Abu Khalid Kabeli, and Shaikh Mufeed has related from our master Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (a.s) that when the army proceed‌ed towards Imam Husain (a.s) in the morning, he raised his hands towards the

[1] Refer Note No. 52

heavens and said,

“O Allah! You are my support in all severities and are my hope in all adversities. And You are my support and reservoir in all unpleasantaries which befalls me. Whatever numerous grief comes to heart, remedies blocked, and friends (having) deserted, and enemies rejoicing, I have brought forth to You and complain to You regarding them, and I do not turn to anyone except You. And You warded them off and sufficed. You are the Master of all blessings and the Possessor of all virtues, and the last Resort of all desires.”

Then the army advanced towards Imam Husain (a.s) surrounding his tents.

(Tabari) Azdi says that Abdullah bin al-Aasim has related from Abdullah bin Zahhak Mashriqi that he said, that when the army advanced towards us and saw the moat, which we had dug filled with fire, they could not attack us from behind. Suddenly a man, riding a horse and well-equipped with ammuni‌tion, advanced towards us and without uttering a word inspected the tents. Then he retreated back and called out, “O Husain! You have hastened to‌wards the fire before the day of Qiyamah (Allah’s refuge).” Imam said,

“Is he Shimr bin Ziljawshan”?

The companions replied in the affirmative. (Irshad) Imam said,

“O son of a goat-herdess woman! You are more worthy of it.”

Muslim bin Awsaja attempted to shoot an arrow at him but Imam stopped him from doing so. Muslim said, “Please let me shoot at him, for this wretched man is one of the great oppressors and Allah has made it possible for me to kill him.” Imam replied,

“Do not shoot your arrow, I do not befriend that the battle may begin from my side.”

(Tabari) Imam Husain (a.s) possessed a horse named Lahiq, which he had given to his son Ali (Akbar) to ride. When the enfantry advanced closer, Imam called for his Camel and mounted it while calling out in a loud voice, which was heard by most men:

“O people! Listen to what I say and do not make haste, so that I may fulfil the responsibility (to counsel you) which rests upon me and that I may submit my plea regarding my arrival towards you. Then if you accept my plea and believe my words while giving me jus‌tice, then you shall be fortunate and there will be no excuse for you to fight with me. And if you do not accept my word and deal unjustly with me, then [1] ‘Muster therefore your designs and (gather) your accomplises, then let not your designs be dubious,

[1] Tabari, Kamil.

then execute on me and give no respite (to me)’. [1] And‘Verily my Protector is Allah Who sent down the Book (Qur’an) and He guards the virtuous ones’. [2]

When his sisters heard his words, they started weeping and wailing, along‌with his daughters. Imam sent his brother Abbas bin Ali (a.s) alongwith his son Ali (Akbar) to console and quiten them. Then he said,

“By my life! They still have a lot more to weep.”

And when they became silent (Irshad) Imam praised and glorified Allah and remembered Him as He aught to be remembered. Then he sent salutations upon the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s), Angels and the other Prophets (a.s). He spoke with such eloquence that no one had ever done so before him nor after him. Then he said,


source : http://www.maaref-foundation.com
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