Sunday 5th of January 2025
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Fasting Great Act of Worship

The month of Ramadan is a great month, a month of worship, prayer and fasting, a month of selflessness, compassion and self-sacrifice. The pre-dawn period (sahar) of each day of the month of Ramadan is very special. Muslims rise up for "sahar" during the month of Ramadan and perform prayers, supplications and litanies.

Perhaps you have seen your parents rising from their beds at sahar time in the month of Ramadan, perform wudu pray, recite the sahar supplication and beseech Allah, and then eat their special sahar meal and make the intention to fast until sunset the following day. Good children also like the sahar times of the month of Ramadan. They wake up, and share in the rituals of sahar with their parents, and then they don't eat anything until noon or for as long as they are able. In this way they share in the blessings and rewards of fasting with the adults.

Having a guest for iftar, the meal that ends the fast after sunset, is one of the best actions of Muslims. Whoever has a fasting guest at the time of iftar and provides his guest with food, Allah will give that person many blessings and bounties

source : http://www.maaref-foundation.com
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