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Renowned writer of Al-Jazeera has accepted Shia religion

According to the report of Shabestan news agency, informed resources of Beirut said that Gusan Jado, a renowned correspondent of Al-Jazeera, has accepted Shia religion due to the shameless stance of Arab and Islamic countries and Islamic movements of Ahl-e-Sunnah on the situation in Syria and Bahrain. 

These resources said that Bin Jado has married with a Lebanese Shia girl living in Iran and this has not just influenced his political thinking but also played an important role in his religious change of thoughts. 

Fifty years old Bin Jado is a citizen of Tunisia and he was associated with the Al-Nahza movement of Sheikh Rashid Al-Ganoshi during his youth period and he was forced to escape from Tunisia to Al-Jazeera due to political activities and then moved to Beirut in the decade of 90’s. 

F.M website of Syria reported that after escape from Tunisia, Gusan Jado had started to work with the Al-Jazeera channel of Qatar and he has also worked for some time at the Al-Minar channel of Hezbollah.

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