Thursday 9th of January 2025
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Read This, So that You Won’t Commit Suicide!

human rights



To keep the human beings alive and to ban the individual and group suicide is only possible by an appropriate interpretation of human and of human knowledge.

This article aims to compare the two declarations of the Islamic Human Rights passed in 1990 and the Western Human Rights passed in 1948.

An interesting point is that Iran has joint both these international Declarations.

In the Islamic Declaration, this point is being emphasized on that people need to fight with every threat (like people in power or natural hazards) against their life and honor. Otherwise, their act will be considered as tyranny against themselves.

Saving Human Life

This issue (saving human life) has been mentioned in articles C and D in the Declaration passed in 1990 by the Islamic Conference Organization.

According to article C, saving human life is obligatory, as far as God wants it, whether it is saving one’s life against threats, or saving others’ lives.

And according to article D, people should fight against anything that threatens their life and honor from the natural hazards or the people in power, any lawful way they can.

“Verily unto those whom the angels carry off in death, while they are yet oppressors of their souls, they will say: what were ye in? They will say: Weakened were we in the land. They Will say: was not Allahs land wide so that ye could migrate thereto. These: their resort is hell an evil retreat!”‌ (An-Nisa: 97)

This very important point has been talked about in the Islamic Declaration of Human Rights, while the Western Declaration of Human Rights has ignored it and only the third and the fifth articles have mentioned it briefly:

source : http://www.tebyan.net
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