Saturday 28th of September 2024
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Khadijah and Ali the first Muslims

All historians say that Khadijah was the first one who believed in Islam and embraced the mission that Allah had revealed to His slave and messenger Muhammad (a.s.) and then Ali Ameerul Mo'minin (a.s.).

Imam Ali (a.s.) said, ‘…and there was no house, then, that gathered in Islam save the messenger of Allah (a.s.), Khadijah, and me the third of them.’

Ibn Abbas said, ‘Ali was the first one who believed (in Islam) from among people after Khadijah.’

Imam Ali (a.s.), when he turned a Muslim, was seven years old, and it was said nine years.

Muhammad (a.s.) became prophet on Monday, and he, with Khadijah and Imam Ali, who was a young boy then, offered the prayer in the Kaaba on Tuesday.

Afif al-Kindi said, ‘Once in the pre-Islamic age, I went to Mecca to buy some clothes and perfumes for my family. I went to al-Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib (one of the Prophet’s uncles) who was a merchant. While I was with him sitting looking at the Kaaba and the sun was high in the sky, a young man came, looked at the sky, and stood up towards the Kaaba. After no long, a young boy came and stood on his right, and then a woman cam and stood behind them. The young man bowed, and the boy and the woman bowed with him. Then, the young man prostrated himself, and the boy and the woman prostrated too. I astonishedly said,

‘O Abbas, it is a great thing!’

Al-Abbas said, ‘Yes, it is a great thing! Do you know who this young man is?’

I said, ‘No.’

He said, ‘He is Muhammad bin Abdullah, my nephew. Do you know who this young boy is?

I said, ‘No.’

He said, ‘He is Ali bin Abi Talib. Do you know who this woman is?’

I said, ‘No.’

He said, ‘She is Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, Muhammad’s wife. My nephew (he appointed to Muhammad) told me that his Lord, the Lord of the heaven and the earth, had ordered him with this religion. By Allah, there is no one on the earth in this religion except these three ones.’

Khadijah was with the Prophet (a.s.) all the time. She did not let him alone even in his circumambulation around the Kaaba. Abdullah bin Mas’ud said, ‘The first time I knew about the matter (prophethood) of the messenger of Allah (a.s.) was that once, I came to Mecca with some uncles of mine. We were guided to al-Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib who was sitting at the well of Zamzam. While we were sitting with him, a young man came from the gate of as-Safa. He was reddish-white…wearing white clothes. He was like a full moon. On his right, there was a beardless, beautiful young boy, and after him a veiled woman. He went to the (Black) Rock and kissed it, and the young boy kissed it, and then the woman did so. Then, he circumambulated the House (the Kaaba), and the boy and the woman circumambulated with him.

We said, ‘O Abul Fadhl (al-Abbas), we have not known such a religion among you. Has something happened?’

Al-Abbas said, ‘This is my nephew Muhammad, the boy is Ali bin Abi Talib, and the woman is Khadijah.’

Ibn Mas’ud said, ‘By Allah, we have not known anyone on the face of the earth worshipping Allah by this religion except these three ones.’

Khadijah and Ali (peace be on them) were the first ones who believed in the Prophet (a.s.) and embraced the new religion.

Moral assistance to the Prophet (a.s.)  

Khadijah, the Mother of the Believers, stood with the Prophet (a.s.) supporting and assisting him in bearing the severest harms and persecution he received from Quraysh.

Ibn Isaaq said, ‘Whenever the messenger of Allah heard something that he hated (from the people of Quraysh) and accusing him of lying, Allah relieved him by Khadijah. When he came back to her, she encouraged and comforted him. She believed him and made the troubles of people easy to him. She did so until she joined her Lord.’

source : http://www.maaref-foundation.com
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