UN to lifting the ban on the rebuilding of Al-Baqee' Cemetery
The Secretary General of the United Nations Mr. Ban Ki-Moon
The United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights Ms. Navanethem Pillay
The Deputy Director, UNESCO Mr. Kishore Rao
We the undersigned urge the United Nations and its respective departments to mobilize their resources in lifting the ban on the rebuilding of Al-Baqee' Cemetery, which sits across from Prophet Muhammad's mosque in the city of Medina, Saudi Arabia.
Al-Baqee' cemetery assumes great historical and religious significance, as it hosts the graves of Muhammad's progeny, namely Imams Al-Hassan, Ali ibn Al-Hussain, Al-Baqer, and Al-Sadiq; in addition to Muhammad's wives, aunts and over 7,000 of his companions. Over a billion Muslims revere this cemetery and many of them wish to see the domes and structures over many of the graves rebuilt.
On April 21, 1925, all the mausoleums, domes and structures that were erect in the cemetery were completely destroyed and desecrated by the Wahhabi movement. For centuries these domes and structures were stood without any harm or problems. Throughout the centuries billions of Muslims respected these structures and found no issue with them Over 86 years have passed since their destruction and yet the Saudi government has not allowed for the structures to be rebuilt in the cemetery. In upholding this ban, the Wahhabis, who constitute a small minority amongst today's large Muslim population, are imposing their beliefs on over a billion Muslims who see no harm in it being rebuilt. They are violating the rights of other Muslims and insulting their beliefs.
We urge the United Nation to use its influence and to pressure the Saudi government to lift the ban and allow for the structures to be rebuilt.