Sunday 2nd of June 2024
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Protest over anti-Islam film held in Swiss capital

 Hundreds of people have marched through the streets of Swiss capital Bern to express their anger over the blasphemous movie and anti-Islam cartoons.

The protesters carrying placards and banners strongly condemned insults to Islamic values on Saturday.

The president of the Islamic Central Council of Switzerland, Nikola Blawnshow who organized the demonstration, blamed US officials for producing anti-Islam sacrilegious movie during the rally.

He also criticized the French government for banning protests against anti-Islam moves while at the same time allowing the publication of the blasphemous cartoons of Prophet Mohammad(PBUH).

Earlier on Wednesday, the French Charlie Hebdo magazine printed cartoons featuring a figure resembling Islam’s Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

Meanwhile, the Muslim world is outraged at the US for allowing the production of the blasphemous video, which insults the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and depicts Islam as an oppressive religion.

Anti-US demonstrations, which began on September 11 over the anti-Islam film, were held across the Muslim world, with protesters storming US embassies and torching US flags.

Muslims in Iran, Turkey, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Kashmir, Pakistan, India, Iraq, Gaza, Syria, Kuwait, Nigeria, Kenya, Australia, Britain, the United States, France, Belgium, and some other countries held many demonstrations to condemn the insulting movie.

On September 11, US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other consulate staff members were killed in Benghazi after clashes involving a group of angry demonstrators near the consulate building.

Sam Bacile, a real estate developer, has assumed responsibility for the film released on the 11th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, which he said was made thanks to Zionists donations totaling USD 5 million. 

source : http://abna.ir
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