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Eftar Ceremony to Be Held for New Muslims in Turkey


-- Halil Taş, mufti of Manavgat, a state in Antalya, announced that an Eftar ceremony is to be held for new Turkish Muslims in the coming days of the holy month of Ramadan.

According to Risalehaber, "The number of those who have converted to Islam in Manavgat since 1993 is 103 most of whom were tourists who had come to visit tourist attractions in Antalya," said Halil Taş in his press conference.


"The muftis' council has registered the addresses of all the new Muslims living in Turkey or those who got back to their countries, and send them congratulating messages on Islamic occasions. It has also invited them all to an Eftar ceremony," he added.


"We are planning to interview these new Muslims and discuss why they turned to Islam and what sort of problems they are facing."


"Muftis in different parts of Antalya go to these Muslims' homes and explain about the tradition of Islamic brotherhood and how to help their Muslim Brethren," he went on to say.

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