Saturday 25th of January 2025
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Tauheed - Belief in the Oneness of Allah (swt)

All religions have faith in God as a concept, but some of them have attached attributes to God. The Jewish faith for example believes that God has feelings like humans he for example walks, eats and sleeps. We read in the Bible (Old Testament), that when God ruined the people of Prophet Noah (as) via the storm, He expressed regrets for his actions, and he was ashamed of himself (God forbid), and he wept continuously for many days, and his eyes suffered injury on account of his weeping. The Angles therefore took care of him. The Old Testament also attests that Allah (swt) personally met Prophet Abraham (as) and that Abraham stood up out of respect for him and told him to sit under the tree, so that he could bring him some food and water to wash his feet. We also read in the Bible that “God said your name will not be Yaqub it will be Israel because you tried to fight with GOD and humans, and you succeeded (GOD Forbid, it means Yaqub was able defeat GOD) (32:28)

It’s also written that Yaqoob held his brother feet’s in mercy, and when he had power he fought with GOD. (God Forbid)

These absurd accounts of GOD, can only be deemed to be fairy tales, Allah (swt) is all above all of these attributes, that the Jews and Christians have sought to ascribe to Him. Sadly if we examine Islam we will find that these same absurd beliefs are prevalent amongst the vast bulk of Islamic Sects, they believe that Allah (swt) has a physical body like humans have, that He (swt) has for e.g. Blood, Ears, Hands, legs etc. We read in ‘Al Milal wa al Nahal’ by Imam of Ahl’ul Sunnah Abdul Kareem Sharastani that Abu Dawood Zuhri and his followers adhered to this type of belief.


Some religions believe that God can Incarnate, meaning that he can use any body as a tool to complete his tasks. Adherents of the Hindu faith for example believe that God used Autaar (an Idol) to create himself, for e.g. RAM Chandar jee - Although reformists sects such as the Ariyaa Madhaab do not ascribe to this viewpoint.

Ancient religions held this belief and the vast bulk of “Sufis” believe that everything constitutes God, this is in effect a different way of explaining what is the same ideology – Incarnation and hence Sufism and Hinduism share this same belief. Hindus believe that God can Incarnate into a cat, dog or any other animal form (GOD FORBID). Some Sufis believe that they can incarnate themselves for e.g. “Mansur the Sufi Saint called himself “Inal Haqq”.

This approach is unacceptable because Almighty Allah (swt) is above Incarnation, God is not finite nor does he have limits, Allah (swt) has no limits he is infinite. These individuals have failed to recognise even that everybody has limits.

Bad Habits

Some religions believe that (GOD FORBID) GOD can tell a lie, which is why Maulana Abdullah Tonki (Professor of Oriental College Lahore) wrote a complete magazine refuting this viewpoint. Some religions believe that God is ignorant in relation to knowledge of Philosophy or the Ancient Greek religion, and the Ashari School of thought have declared God to be dependant. Dependency in effect constitutes a fault in God, by which no one can believe in his ever-lasting existence, which is why the scholars of Islam always refute this point of view.


Some religions have associated Partners with God for example Christians believe that God comprises of three spirits (The Father, Son and Holy Ghost) and that Jesus (as) is a partner of God. To make partners with Allah (swt) in effect constitutes a belief in more than one God and this constitutes Shirk (polytheism). Allah (swt) is above any concept of Partnership. The Aria believe that God is comprised of spirit and Atoms and that spirit and atoms are infinite.

Doubts in Allah’s Knowledge

The Ahl’ul Sunnah sect believes that Allah (swt) shall be in Hellfire on the Day of Judgement. We read the following in Sahih Bukhari:

The Prophet (saws) said, "The people will be thrown into the (Hell) Fire and it will say: 'Are there any more (to come)?(50:30) till Allah puts his foot over it and it will say 'Qat! Qat!" (Enough! Enough!)"
Sahih Bukhari Arabic-English Volume 6 hadith number 371 translated by Dr Muhsin Khan

By reading this hadith carefully we learn that Allah (swt) shall be in Hell, what will happen to his followers when he is himself in Hell? These kind of hadith cast aspersions upon Allah (swt)’s knowledge that suggests that Allah (swt) didn’t have any idea on how large hell should be which is why he created hell it so big.

The adherents of Sahih Bukhari also believe that Allah (swt) is the cause of evil. We read in the Book of Iman:

“I come to acknowledge in ALLAH, his Angels, his holy books, and his Prophets and on the day of judgment, and his created luck, his blesses and his evilness which is all towards ALLAH, and on the life after death”

The rational mind cannot accept a God who is the cause of evil. The Shi’a madhab is the sole school of thought that deems Allah (swt) to be pure, free from creating evil, there from the beginning, he possesses infinite knowledge, He (swt) is free from incarnation, has no Partners is independent and controls everything.

In this connection we will cite the comments of our eminent scholar Shaykkh Saduq who wrote in ‘A Shi’ite Creed’ the English translation of I'teqadat-Al-Imamiah pages 27-28:

“Know that our belief concerning Tawhid is that Allah, exalted is He, is one (Wahid) and Absolutely unique (ahad). There is naught like unto Him; He is prior (qadim, Ancient). He never was, and never will be, but the Hearing (Sami) and the Seeing One (Basir); the Omniscient (‘alim); the Wise (Hakim); the Living (Hayy); the Everlasting (Qayum); the Mighty (aziz); the Holy (Quddus); the Knowing One (‘Alim); The Powerful (Qadir); the Self Sufficient (Ghani). He cannot be described by his essence (jawhar); His body (jism); His Form (Sura), or by his Accidental Qualities (Arad)…

He is a Thing (Shay) but not like other things. He is unique (Ahad), Eternal Refuge (Samad)”, He begets not, lest He may be inherited; not is He begotten, lest He may be associated (with others). There is no one like unto Him; He has no equal (nidd) or opponent (didd), compeer (shibh) or consort (sahibah). Nothing can be compared with Him (mithl); He has no rival (nazir), no partner (sharik). “Human eyes cannot behold Him”. The thoughts of men cannot compass Him; while He is aware of them. “Slumber overtakes Him not, nor sleep” [2:225]; and He is the Gracious (latif) and the Knowing One (khabir), the Creator (khaliq) of all things. There is no deity (ilah) other than Him; to Him (alone) belongs (the power) of Creation (khalq) and authority (amr). Blessed (tabarraka) is Allah, the Lord if the Worlds. And he who believes in tasbih (imminence) is a polytheist (mushrik). And he who attributes to the Imams (beliefs) other than those that have been stated concerning the Unity of Allah (tawhid) is a liar”.

Tauheed as taught by Maula ‘Ali (as)

There is no concept of Tauheed more pure than that of the Imami Shi’a and what better evidence of this aqeedah can there be than that attested by out first Imam, Maula ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (as). We are citing extracts of his sermons from Nahj-ul Balagha.

Sermon 49:

Praise be to Allah Who lies inside all hidden things, and towards Whom all open things guide. He cannot be seen by the eye of an onlooker, but the eye which does not see Him cannot deny Him while the mind that proves His existence cannot perceive Him. He is so high in sublimity that nothing can be more sublime than He, while in nearness, He is so near that no one can be nearer than He. But his sublimity does not put Him at a distance from anything of His creation, nor does His nearness bring them on equal level to Him. He has not informed (human) wit about the limits of His qualities. Nevertheless, He has not prevented it from securing essential knowledge of Him. So he is such that all signs of existence stand witness for Him till the denying mind also believes in Him. Allah is sublime beyond what is described by those who liken Him to things or those who deny Him.

Sermon 65:

Praise be to Allah for Whom one condition does not proceed another so that He may be the First before being the Last or He may be Manifest before being Hidden. Everyone called one (alone) save Him is by virtue of being small (in number); and everyone enjoying honour other than Him is humble. Every powerful person other than Him is weak. Every master (owner) other than Him is slave (owned).

Sermon 85:

I stand witness that there is no god but Allah, He is One and there is no partner with Him. He is the First, such that nothing was before Him. He is the Last, such that there is not limit for Him. Imagination cannot catch any of His qualities. Hearts cannot entertain belief about His nature. Analysis and division cannot be applied to Him. Eyes and hearts cannot compare Him.

Sermon 90:

Praise be to Allah who is well-known without being seen, Who creates without pondering over, Who has ever been existent when there was no sky with domes, nor curtains with lofty doors, nor gloomy night, nor peaceful ocean, nor mountains with broad pathways, nor curved mountain roads, nor earth of spread floors, nor self-reliant creatures. He is the Originator of creation and their Master. He is the God of the creation and its feeder. The sun and the moon are steadily moving in pursuit of His will. They make every fresh thing old and every distant thing near.

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