Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
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A brief description of a few great morals of Imam Ali (pbuh)

An Extraordinary Example of Altruism

The Battle Of Camel

Imam `Al¢ (a.s) made his utmost effort not to enter battle so that no one would be killed. When he was informed in Medina that the leaders of the Camel Army have left Mecca for Ba¥rah, he quickly left Medina to hold talks with them. He sent them a letter through ¯a`¥a`ah, a great man of Ba¥rah. In that letter, he gave them advice with the utmost degree of kindness and magnanimity. Once again, he sent Ibn `Abb¡s to al-Zubayr to talk to him saying, “Do not go or speak to ±al¦ah, for it will be useless. Speak to al-Zubayr who is softer. Tell him, your cousin says: In Hijaz you were my friend. How come you have become my enemy in Iraq?” Then, he sent a letter to ±al¦ah and al-Zubayr through `Imran al-Khuz¡`¢ which reads, “Though people may deny, but I did not go to people rather they came to me to pledge allegiance with me. Their allegiance with me was not out of fear, force or allurement. If your allegiance has not been out of fear, repent quickly and turn to Allah. You claim that I have killed `Uthm¡n! I leave the judgment to unbiased people. Anyone who is condemned should be punished. You two elderly men of Quraish! Stop behaving like this before this disgrace will be accompanied with Hellfire.” When Imam `Al¢ arrived in the land of Zaviah on his way to Ba¥rah, he performed a four-Rak`ah prayer saying, “O Lord of heavens and what cast shadow on them! O Lord of the earths and what they have on shoulders! O Lord of the Great Throne! This is Ba¥rah! I ask You to put the good of this people in my hand and I seek refuge in You from their evil. O Lord! These people have disobeyed me, rebelled against me and broken allegiance with me. O Lord! Preserve the blood of Muslims and let not any blood be shed!”

When `Al¢ was placed against the army of Ba¥rah, he called, “O people! Do not make haste!” Then the Imam called Ibn `Abb¡s ordering him to go to ±al¦ah, al-Zubayr and `ª’ishah and call them to Allah. Then `Amm¡r ibn Y¡sir, the great companion and elderly man of truth, stood between the two armies, addressing the army of Ba¥rah as such, “O people! It is not fair that you have kept your wives behind curtains while you have brought the Holy Prophet’s wife to be faced with arrows and swords.” Then he went to `ª’ishah, asking, “What do you want?” `ª’ishah said, “I am here to seek the revenge of `Uthm¡n!” `Amm¡r said, “May Allah on this day kill the oppressor, perish the rebel and destroy falsehood.”

Then, addressing the army of Ba¥rah he cried out, “O people! Do you know which of the two parties has had a hand in killing `Uthm¡n?” The arrows were coming towards `Amm¡r. The answer was arrows! `Amm¡r came to `Al¢ saying, “O Am¢r al-Mu’min¢n: What are you waiting for? They have no goal but killing arrows showered on the army of `Al¢. There was no permission for battle yet!” Imam `Al¢ (a.s) addressed his army as such, “Who is here to take this Qur’¡n to the people and call them to it? Whoever does this will be killed but I will guarantee his going to Paradise.” A young man by the name of Muslim rose up, saying, “O Am¢r al-Mu’min¢n: I will take the Qur’¡n to them and do what you said.” He took the Qur’¡n, went to the enemy and called them to the Qur’¡n. They pierced his body with spear. He fell on the ground and was martyred. Was killing with spear an answer to logic?

`Al¢ told his army to be prepared for battle but not start it. Ibn Bad¢l, a brave soldier, brought the dead body of his brother saying: O Am¢r al-Mu’min¢n! Until when should we wait? Should they kill us and we look on?” The dead body of another soldier was brought to `Al¢ but he still did not give the permission to fight. He just said, “O Lord! You are the Witness.” Then, he turned to his army saying, “Have mercy on the people!” Then, he took off his armor, rode on the mule of the Holy Prophet, went to the battlefield and cried out, “O Zubayr! Come to me.” Al-Zubayr came to the field with full arms. Seeing that `Al¢ called al-Zubayr to the field, `ª’ishah said to herself, “Woe to me, my sister Asm¡’—al-Zubayr’s wife—will became a widow!” When `ª’ishah was told that `Al¢ has come to the battlefield without arms, she calmed down.

In the battle field, `Al¢ hugged al-Zubayr, saying, “Why have you rebelled against me?” Al-Zubayr said, “I have come to take the revenge of `Uthm¡n!” `Al¢ said, “May God kill either of us who has had a hand in the killing of `Uthm¡n.” Then he spoke softly to him reminding him of Allah’s Messenger, who had said, “You will fight `Al¢ and you will be the wrong party.” Al-Zubayr said, “I seek Allah’s forgiveness. If I had not forgotten this word, I would not have rebelled.” The Imam said, “Zubayr! Now, go back.” Al-Zubayr said, “How can I go back? My going back would be considered as fear, a disgrace which cannot be washed away.” The Imam said, “Go back before disgrace is accompanied with Hellfire.” Al-Zubayr went back and as soon as he intended to go out of the Army of the Camel, his son `Abdull¡h cried out, “Where are you going?” Al-Zubayr said, “My Son! `Al¢ reminded me of something I had forgotten.” The son said, “This is no the case, you are afraid of the swords of the H¡shimites!” The father said, “No, I remembered what the time had made me forget. Are you blaming me for fear?” He took the spear and attacked the right wing of `Al¢’s army. Addressing his soldiers, `Al¢ said, “Let no one fight him. Open the way for him. They have provoked him!” Al-Zubayr so attacked both sides of the army. No one fought him or resisted against him. Returning to his army he said to his son, “Does a timid man act like that?” Then he took his way and left.

`Al¢’s kindness towards the enemy made a hero of him in the battlefield. Did the Army of the Camel realize that what the Holy Prophet had foreseen was not particular to al-Zubayr alone but everyone who fought `Al¢ would be a wrongdoer?

Again `Al¢ came to the battlefield and called ±al¦ah saying, “Why did you rebel against me?” ±al¦ah claimed that he wanted to take the revenge of `Uthm¡n. `Al¢ said, “May Allah kill either of us who has had a hand in killing `Uthm¡n. Haven’t you heard the words of the Holy Prophet saying: (O God) Befriend one who befriends `Al¢ and bear enmity to one who bears enmity to `Al¢. Were you not the first man who swore allegiance with me and breached your allegiance? Allah says:


Whoever breaks his faith, he breaks it only to the injury of his own soul (48:10)”

Expressing his regret, ±al¦ah said, “I seek Allah’s forgiveness.” He went back. Sensing that ±al¦ah intends to leave the battlefield, Marw¡n ibn °akam threw an arrow towards him. ±al¦ah died immediately without having a chance to inform the people of Ba¥rah of their treacherous and unjust act which he and al-Zubayr had planned.

Addressing his army, `Al¢ said, “When you defeat the Army of the Camel, do not kill the wounded and the captives, nor follow the deserters, nor expose people’s private parts, nor cut anyone’s ears or noses, nor loot anyone’s property except what they leave in the battlefield.”

The enemy’s defeat was certain. Yet, no order of attack was issued. The Army of the Camel attacked the right wing of `Al¢’s army, pushing them back. It was at this moment that the order of attack was issued and the Army of the Camel suffered a disgraceful defeat, this is `Al¢’s kindness towards the enemy and his mercy on people in the battlefield. Does history remember a ruler to have behaved like this towards the rebels?

The Battle of Saffin

¯iff¢n was a region by the river Euphrates. When the army of `Al¢ reached it, he was told to block the army of Mu`¡wiyah from having access to the river, but `Al¢ did not accept the idea. Mu`¡wiyah took advantage of this situation, seized all the ways leading to the river and blocked the army of `Al¢ from having access to the river. By his command, the army opened ways to the river. To retaliate, Imam `Al¢’s companions decided to block Mu`¡wiyah’s army from access to river, but again `Al¢ did not permit. The Battle of ¯iff¢n lasted for eighteen months. The offensive by `Al¢’s army was started hoping that the Syrians would give up and less blood would be shed!

The Battle Of Nahraw¡n

The best definition we can use in describing the Kharijites is that they were people afflicted with the disease of enmity with `Al¢ and they did not stop this enmity until they killed him. If we use the word disease, it is because enmity with anyone needs a reason. A person bears enmity to someone for personal reasons, for being jealous of that person’s position, for having been hurt or harmed by that person, for having experienced a tyranny, a family feud or religious differences. None of those reasons existed for those who were hostile to `Al¢. They simply could not see `Al¢ alive and victorious.

These people were in the army of `Al¢ in the Battle of ¯iff¢n but when he overcame the enemy, they drew their swords against him and deprived him of victory. They did not accept the intelligent arbiter Imam `Al¢ had chosen and selected the arbiter who was `Al¢’s enemy! They were the enemies of Mu`¡wiyah too but unknowingly assisted him and compelled `Al¢ to accept the mediation of the arbiters.

When the treachery of mediation became clear, they started to disagree with `Al¢ so much so that they disrespected him in his presence and absence. `Al¢ too had left them to themselves showing no reaction to what they said and did.

`Al¢’s friends who could not tolerate hearing their sarcastic and insulting remarks would often ask `Al¢ to suppress and imprison them or check their activities. However, `Al¢ would not agree, saying, “As long as they do not do anything against us, we will not harm them nor will we cut their stipend from the public fund. We will allow them to come to the mosque but if they kill anyone, we will retaliate.”

The inner disease of Kharijites was being intensified. Hence, they could not stay in K£fah, for they saw `Al¢ there. So, they left it for Nahraw¡n. Still `Al¢ let them act freely and had nothing to do with them. When he set out to suppress Mu`¡wiyah, he wrote a letter as such, “We are going to suppress your enemies, a common enemy; come long with us.” The Kharijites did not accept the offer and declared war against him! Still `Al¢ did not go to them and set off for Syria. `Al¢ was asked to put an end to the enmity of Kharijites first and then set out for Syria. It was not accepted and the order to move to Syria was issued.

`Al¢’s army was or the way to Syria when news reached that the Kharijites have become active, forcing people to curse `Al¢ and anyone who does not comply with it, is killed. `Al¢ headed for Nahraw¡n, the Kharijites base. He still refused to enter battle against them. So, he started to admonish and guide them. He managed to dissuade many of them from fighting though they refused to assist `Al¢ in suppressing Mu`¡wiyah. Those Kharijites who were dissuaded to fight `Al¢ returned to K£fah but remained `Al¢’s enemies.

The seeds of Kharijites in the history of Islam were sown by same people and the rest did not accept any option but fighting and preferred death to living with `Al¢. So they attacked `Al¢’s army with the motto of ‘we are going to Paradise’. Still no order of counterattack was issued until one of `Al¢’s soldiers was killed. It was then that Imam `Al¢ said, “It is now the right time to fight them.” `Al¢’s army started its attack which put the Kharijites to flight.[1]

A Light Diet

Suwayd ibn Ghaflah reports: I went to see Imam `Al¢ while he was in governor’s seat. Before the Imam was a bowl of sour yoghurt the smell of which I could feel. A loaf of bread of barley the husk of which I could see was in his hand. The Imam was breaking the dry bread either with his hand or with his knee!

At this time, I said to Fi¤¤ah, his slave-girl who was standing by him, “Don’t you fear Allah for treating this old man as such? Don’t you sieve the barley flour?” Fi¤¤ah said, “He has asked me not to sieve the flour.” `Al¢ asked, “What are you talking about?” I told him the story. At this time, `Al¢ said, “May my parents be ransom for the one for whom the flour was not sieved, nor did he ate fill bread of wheat for three straight days until he passed away.”[2]

One Of The Days

Ab£-Ma§ar, one of the inhabitants of Ba¥rah, reports: I was coming out of K£fah Mosque when suddenly a man called from behind, “Hold up your garment which makes it last longer and cut your hair short, if you are a Muslim.”

I followed him while he had covered himself with a cloak and held a lash in his hand like a Bedouin, “Who is this man?” He said, “I find you a stranger in this city!” I said, “Yes, I am a man from Ba¥rah.” He said, “This is `Al¢, the Leader of the believers.”

I followed him until he reached the neighborhood of Banu-Mohit which was the camels’ market-place. There, he said, “Sell but do not take oath, for it will destroy goods and blessing.” Then, he went to date sellers. There, he found a slave-girl crying. He asked the reason. She said, “This man sold me date for one dirham but my master did not like it and he does not take it back.” The Imam said, “Take back your date and give her back the one dirham, for she is a slave and has no authority.” He pushed back the Imam! I said, “Do you know this man?” He said, “No.” I said, “He is `Al¢ ibn Ab¢-±¡lib, the Leader of the believers.” The man took back the date and gave back her money. Then, the man said, “I hope you are pleased with me.” He said, “Now that you have given people’s right, I am pleased with you.” Then while passing through the date sellers, he said, “Give of these dates to the needy so that Allah will bless your business.” Then he went to fish mongers telling them to be careful not to sell the fish which has died in water! Then, he went to the market of canvas sellers and visited an old man selling canvas and said, “I want a shirt for three Dirhams.” As soon as the man recognized him, he refused to sell anything to him. He went to another seller but since he too recognized the Imam, he did not buy from him until he came to a young man. He bought a shirt for three Dirhams, put it on while praying as such to Allah,

ألحَمْدُ للهِ الَّذِي رَزَقَنِي مِنَ الرِّيَاشِ مَا أتَجَمَّلُ بِهِ فِي النَّاسِ وَأوَارِي بِهِ عَوْرَتِي.

“Praise be to Allah who provided me with a good garment to adorn myself and to cover my private parts with.”

He was asked whether these were his words or he had heard it from Allah’s Messenger. He said, “I heard from the Holy Prophet saying it while he was wearing a garment.”

Amidst this, the father of the young man arrived. He was told that his son sold a shirt for three Dirhams to Am¢r al-Mu’min¢n. Turning to his son, he asked, “Why did you charge more than two Dirhams?” The father took the one dirham and came to Am¢r al-Mu’min¢n who was now sitting with Muslims at the gate of Ra¦bah, saying, “O Am¢r al-Mu’min¢n! Take this one dirham!” The Imam asked about the story of this dirham. The man said, “The price of the shirt was two Dirhams.” The Imam said, “He sold it with consent and I bought it with consent.”[3]


In the eighth year after Hijrah, Mecca was conquered by Allah’s Messenger. The House of Allah was purified from the filth of idols with `Al¢’s idol-breaking act. Allah’s Messenger sent groups to propagate Islam and to invite people to monotheism. He did not declare war. One of these persons was Kh¡lid ibn Wal¢d who was dispatched not as fighter but as propagator. On his way Kh¡lid came to a tribe one of whom had killed his uncle in the pre-Islamic era and had looted whatever belonged to him. When Kh¡lid was alight near the water sources of Ban£-Judhaymah, they took arms. Kh¡lid said, “Put aside your arms, for people have become Muslims.” He had their hands tied and killed whomever he wished. When the news came to Allah’s Messenger, he raised his hands saying, “O Lord! I seek immunity from what Kh¡lid has done!” Then, the Holy Prophet sent `Al¢ with money to look into their affairs. `Al¢ gave them back whatever Kh¡lid had taken from them. He paid the blood money for all and the extra money which `Al¢ had with him was paid to them by the command of the Holy Prophet. When `Al¢ came back, the Holy Prophet said that what he had done was good and right. On the words of Ya`q£b¢, the Holy Prophet said, “What you have done is better than the red camels.” It was at this time addressing `Al¢, Allah’s Messenger said, “May my father and mother be your ransom.”[4]

The Blazing Iron Bar

Mu`¡wiyah asked `Aq¢l to tell him the story of the blazing iron bar. `Aq¢l said: Life had become extremely hard for me. I pleaded with my brother `Al¢ but he took no heed of it. One day, I took my children in whose appearance poverty and indigence could be seen to `Al¢. He said, “Come at night so that I will give you something.” At night, when one of my sons was holding my hand led me to `Al¢. I said to my son, “Go and sit at a distance.” Having this impression that `Al¢ was going to give me a purse of money, I stretched out my hand. But what I touched was a blazing iron bar. I withdrew my hand with a loud cry. At this moment `Al¢ said, “This is the iron bar blazed by the fire of the world. How will be our situation on the Judgment Day when we are fastened with the chains of Hell?” Then he recited this verse:

When the fetters and the chains shall be on their necks; they shall be dragged (40:71)

Imam `Al¢ (a.s), commented, “You have no right on me except what Allah has made obligatory for you. Go back home!”

Mu`¡wiyah was extremely amazed and said, “Alas, alas! Women are barren to give birth to his peer.”[5]

An Extraordinary Example of Piety

Imam al-¯¡diq has been reported by Mu`¡wiyah Ibn `Amm¡r as saying:

If there were two options for `Al¢ to do something for the sake of Allah, he would choose the harder. O people of K£fah, you all know that when he was ruling in this city, he used his income in Medina for living. He would put the roasted flour he ate in a bag and seal it not be mixed with anything else. Who was more pious than `Al¢ in the world![6]

Dry Bread And Sour Yoghurt

`Aqabah ibn `Alqamah is reported by Na¨r ibn Man¥£r as saying: I went to `Al¢’s house in K£fah, finding before him a bowl of sour yoghurt which harmed me as well as several pieces of dry bread. I said, “O Am¢r al-Mu’min¢n! Are you eating such a food?” He said, “Allah’s Messenger ate from bread drier than this.” Referring to his garment, `Al¢ said, “Allah’s Messenger would wear a garment with a more rough texture. If I do not follow his example, I fear not to join him.”[7]

Self-Sacrifice and Generosity

In the Battle of the Camel, the soldiers who fought along with him were twelve thousand in number. When the fighting came to an end with the defeat of the enemies, Am¢r al-Mu’min¢n had the public fund divided with each person having five hundred Dirhams as a share. `Al¢ took the same amount of dirham for himself. Addressing the public fund, he said,

غُرِّي غَيْرِي.

“Deceive anyone but me.”

After the division of the public fund, a man came about saying, “O Am¢r al Mu’min¢n! My heart was with you though I could no take part in the battle. Do me a favor by giving something to me.” The Imam gave his share to him, going back home empty-handed.”[8]


One day, Am¢r al-Mu’min¢n was in the gathering of his companions. While a biased man of Kharijites was present, the Imam was admonishing his friends. His heavenly words were so charming which impressed that blind-hearted man but because of his inner enmity to `Al¢, he impudently said, “May Allah kill him for his unbelief. How knowledgeable he is!”

Hearing such insolence, the companions of the Imam made an attempt to kill him but Imam `Al¢ said, “Grant a respite; calm down; either curse against curse or pardon against sin.”[9]

A Model Of Generosity

An indigent man came to Imam `Al¢ saying, “I am suffering from three diseases: body, poverty, and ignorance.” The Imam said, “O Arab brother! You should see a physician for your physical disease, a wise man for ignorance and a generous person for poverty.” The Arab said, “You are a physician, a wise man, and a generous man at the same time.” Am¢r al-Mu’min¢n ordered to give three thousand Dirhams from the public fund, saying, “Spend one thousand Dirhams on your physical disease, one thousand Dirhams on your poverty and one thousand Dirhams on your ignorance.”[10]

Favoring A Servant

When Am¢r al-Mu’min¢n ruled over the vast Islamic territories, he along with Qanbar (his servant) went to a draper, asking, “Do you have two shirts for five Dirhams?” The young draper said, “Yes, but one is better than the other; one costs three Dirhams and the other costs two Dirhams.” Imam `Al¢ said, “Bring both of them.” When the young man brought the two shirts, the Imam said to Qanbar, “Take the shirt which costs three Dirhams.” Qanbar said, “O Am¢r al-Mu’min¢n! You go up the pulpit and deliver sermons for people. You take the better one.” The Imam said, “Qanbar! You are young and have the desires of a young man. I am ashamed before Allah to count myself superior to you! I heard Allah’s Messenger saying: Whatever you wear, let your servant wear too and whatever you eat let your servants eat too.” Then, the Imam put on the shirt which cost two Dirhams realizing that the sleeves were too long so he said to the draper, “Cut the sleeve short a little bit.” He did so and said, “Let me fold it, old man!” The Imam said, “Let it be as it is. There is no time for such a thing.”[11]

Guidelines to rulers

Reporting Imam al-Sadiq (a.s), `Abd al-Ra¦m¡n ibn Sulaym¡n says: Am¢r al-Mu’min¢n sent a man to the desert of K£fah to collect alms, saying:

O servant of Allah! Fear Allah and do not prefer the world to the Hereafter. Be careful about what I have trusted you. Guard Allah’s right until you reach such and such tribe. Place yourself in their region with out residing near their houses. Then proceed towards them solemnly so as to be among them. Greet them and say: O servants of Allah! The friend of Allah has sent men to you to receive what is due to Allah from you. Is there anything due to Allah in your property to pay to the friend of Allah? If anyone them of answers negatively, say no more. If a rich man answers affirmatively, go with him, without intimidating him. Do not promise (of anything) but good to him until you reach his camels and cattle. Do not go among them unless you are given permission, for most of them belong to him. Say to him: O servant of Allah! Will you permit me to go among them? If he says yes, do not go among the camels and the cattle like a rough man who has an upper hand. Divide them into two halves. Then let him choose the one he likes. Do not protest him for his choice. Divide the remaining into two. Keep on this division until what is due to Allah will remain and then collect it. If he asks you to cancel the division, accept it. Mix them altogether and so the same as you have done before until you collect of the camels and cattle what is due to god. Then take for yourself an agent who is benevolent, Muslim, sympathetic, trustworthy and a safe keeper who does not treat them roughly. Therefore send to me immediately whatever you collect of each of the tribes to be put in a place Allah has commanded. If your emissary brings them here, advise him not to hide the young camel from its mother, nor milk it fully so as to harm the young camel, nor tire it by riding but to ride them equally, to take them to a place to drink water, not to push them from pasture to the plain road when they are having rest and at times it is hard for them, to make use of them softly so that Allah willing, they will come to us fat and fleshy, not tired out or exhausted so that they will be divided according to the Book of Allah and the tradition of Allah’s Messenger.

This attitude will make your reward greater and is closer to your interest. Allah will look at them, you, your endeavor and sympathy with the one who has sent you and the ones who need the alms.

Allah’s Messenger has said: Allah favors an agent who does his best to obey his leader with sympathy.[12]

Fighting Oppression

Imam al-B¡qir has reported: One Day when Am¢r al-Mu’min¢n was returning home, found a woman waiting. Seeing him, she came near and said, “I am in trouble. My husband oppresses me. He has turned me out form the house and has threatened to beat me. If I go to him, he will beat me. I request you to do justice between us.” Am¢r al-Mu’min¢n said, “O Servant of Allah! It is too hot now. Wait until it cools down in the afternoon. Then I shall come with you and redress your grievances.” The woman said, “If I stay out too long, I am afraid it may increase his anger.” For a moment he bowed his head and then raised it up saying to himself:

By Allah, justice to the oppressed should not be delayed. The right of the oppressed should certainly be taken from the oppressor; and every fear should be taken out from her heart so that she may stand boldly before the oppressor and demand her right.

The Imam further asked where her house was and she told him. He accompanied her to her house, stood at the door and called loudly, “O master of the house! Peace be upon you.” A young man came out. He was her husband. He did not recognize the Imam; he found that an old man of about sixty years had accompanied her and assumed that she had brought him for support and mediation, but he kept silent. At this moment `Al¢ said, “This lady has a complaint against you. She says that you have done injustice to her and turned her out of the house. Besides you have threatened to beat her. I have come here to tell you to fear Allah and be kind to your wife.”

The man said, “In what way does it concern you if I have not treated my wife well? Yes, I had threatened to beat her, but now, since she has brought you to plead for her, I shall throw her into fire and burn her alive.”

`Al¢ was disturbed by the impudence of the man. Drawing out his sword, he said, “I am admonishing you from bad deeds but you are replying me in such manner clearly saying to burn this woman in fire! Do you think there is no authority in this world?” His loud voice drew the attention of the passers by and a huge crowd gathered. Whoever came saluted him respectfully saying, “Peace be on you Am¢r al-Mu’min¢n.” When the rude young man realized as to whom he was talking, he trembled and supplicated, “O Am¢r al-Mu’min¢n! Forgive me. I confess my faults and promise that henceforth I shall obey my wife.” `Al¢ turned to the woman and told her to go to the house and cautioned her not to behave in such a manner that her husband had to be angry again.[13]


[1] The path of `Al¢: 53.

[2] Kashf al-Yaq¢n: 86.

[3] Kashf al-Ghummah: 163/1.

[4] Al-S¢rah al-Nabawiyyah: 430/2.

[5] Shar¦ Nahj al-Bal¡ghah: 253/11.

[6] Shar¦ Nahj al-Bal¡ghah: 201/2.

[7] Al-Gh¡r¡t: 55/1.

[8] Shar¦ Nahj al-Bal¡ghah: 249/1.

[9] Nahj al-Bal¡ghah: 880, Maxim, 412.

[10] J¡mi` al-Akhb¡r: 138.

[11] Al-Gh¡r¡t: 65/1.

[12] Al-Gh¡r¡t: 75/1.

[13] Al-Man¡qib: 106/2.

source : Allameh Hussein Ansariyan
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