Sunday 24th of November 2024
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Forbidden Acts During Ihram


Question: If covering the head was recurrent in each ihram, should kaffarah (atonement or expiation) be repeated [for every incident]?

Answer: It is likely that one kaffarah for each ihram would do.


Question: If someone else cast a shade over you while you are walking, is kaffarah obligatory?
Answer: If one cannot get out of the shade, there shall be no kaffarah. If you were able to get out, and you did not, even for forestalling a harm, kaffarah is obligatory.


Question: Is a pilgrim allowed to scratch his head, if he feels uncomfortable. There is a chance that his hair may fall off.
Answer: There is no objection to scratching and he should not investigate or look for any hair.


Question: Can a person brush his teeth during Ihram, if there is likelihood of bleeding?
Answer: It is permissible.


Question: Is it permissible for a man to touch his wife during Ihram?
Answer: It is permissible but sexual union is forbidden for a pilgrim, in ihram for an Umrat-ut-Tamatu' or Umrat-ul- Mufradah or during Hajj; this is the case even after performing them, but before saying the prayers for Tawaf-un-Nisa.


Question: What are the forbidden acts during Ihram?
Answer: As has already been discussed, ihram is established by talbiyah or what is considered of its kind, [see Rule 182] despite the niyyah to wear ihram. Once ihram is worn twenty five things become forbidden:

Hunting.Sexual union. Kissing a woman. Touching a woman. Looking at a woman and flirting with her. Masturbating. Reciting nikah. Wearing perfume. Wearing sewn clothes by men. Wearing antimony (surma). Looking in the mirror. Wearing shoes, slippers or socks. Outrage (Fusouq). Quarreling. Killing insects found on humans, [such as lice]. Beautifying oneself. Applying oil. Removing hair from the body. Covering the head, for males, or dipping one's body in water, even for females. Covering of the face by females. Sheltering in the shaded places or males. Bleeding one's body. Cutting nails. Extracting tooth, according to some scholars. Carrying arms.
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