Even if they don't fast, they can still observe the holiday...
Muslim children are not required to fast for Ramadhan until they reach the age of maturity (puberty). Also It is recommended that adolescents who have reached puberty (about 12 -13 years of age) to take part in Ramadhan traditions like prayer and fasting. But what about kids who are younger? How can they celebrate and learn more about Ramadhan without fasting? In many families, younger children enjoy participating and are encouraged to practice their fasting. It is common for a younger child to fast for part of a day, or for one day on the weekend. This way, they enjoy the "grown-up" feeling that they are participating in the special events of the family and community.
To include young children in Ramadhan routine without requiring them to fast you can come up with multiple activities to do with them every day. Here are some ideas that you might find helpful in sharing this special time with your young children.
Ramadhan Reading
There is nothing lovely more than reading with kids. During Ramadhan read books to help them in their understanding of the holiday and of the Islamic religion.
Arts and Crafts
Another activity that the children take a lot of pride and enjoyment in is coloring. Young children enjoying being creative and take a lot of pride in coloring pictures that Mom and Dad can hang on the refrigerator or on the wall at the office. You can color with them and share in the fun.
Arts and crafts are a fun way for you and your child to spend time together learning about Ramadhan. There are many different projects children can create with basic items such as construction paper, crayons, and glue.
Moon and Star Gazing
The moon and stars are an integral part of Ramadhan. A great way to bond with your children is to go into your backyard or local park and introduce your children to the stars. Stargazing is a great way to truly witness amazement in your kids eyes. Depending on your location something and quiet and as serene as laying under the stars with your children will create memories that will last forever.
Cook with Your Kids
Spending time in the kitchen cooking with children while getting ready to feast in the evening is a wonderful experience. They will feel a sense of accomplishment when they see what a delicious feast they have helped to prepare to break the day's fast.
It is also common for children to participate in Ramadhan in other ways, aside from the daily fast. They may collect coins or money to donate to the needy, or read Qur'an with the family in the evening.
At the end of Ramadhan, children are often indulged with gifts of sweets and money on the day of Eid al-Fitr.
These are just a few ways spending time with children during this wonderful time of year - any way to include them during Ramadhan will help further enlighten them to this glorious holiday.
source : www.tebyan.net