Friday 27th of September 2024
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Security measures to be intensified in Karbala

Security measures to be intensified in Karbala

Major Ghanem Alhossaini, the Commander of Karbala Police told reporters that all efforts for providing security in the month of Muharram, especially on Tasua and Ashura, are in place. He added that the Iraqi security forces have intensified security measures for protecting the holy sites and all those who take part in the ceremonies. The inspections will be tight and all the possible enterances for the terrorists will be monitored. The Police Chief of Karbala stressed: The security forces are deployed around the City of Karbala, fields and all the rural roads, in addition the new devices to detect explosives are used in all inspection posts. It is estimated that more than 10 million pilgrims will take part in Tasua and Ashura ceremonies.

source : .www.shafaqna.com
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