Thursday 9th of January 2025
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Qutb e Rawandi narrates from Imam Zain ul Abideen (AS) regarding the day of Aashura and the last moments of Imam Hussein (AS) as: My Father (PBUH) on the day of his martyrdom hugged me as the blood was flowing from his body and said:

Qutb e Rawandi narrates from Imam Zain ul Abideen (AS) regarding the day of Aashura and the last moments of Imam Hussein (AS) as: My Father (PBUH) on the day of his martyrdom hugged me as the blood was flowing from his body and said:

Qutb e Rawandi narrates from Imam Zain ul Abideen (AS) regarding the day of Aashura and the last moments of Imam Hussein (AS) as: My Father (PBUH) on the day of his martyrdom hugged me as the blood was flowing from his body and said:

 احفظ عنّي دعاء علَّمتنيه فاطمة صلوات الله عليها و علّمها رسول الله صلّي الله عليه و آله و علّمه جبرئيل في الحاجة و المهمّ و الغمّ و النازلة اذا نزلت والامر العظيم الفادح

Learn and memorize a prayer from me, the prayer which my mother Fatima (SA) has taught me and she also learnt it from the Holy Prophet and Gabriel taught this to my grand father. The prayer, which is recited in the time of need, accomplishing important tasks, time of sorrow, during bitter incidents and tough times.

بحقّ يس و القران الحكيم و بحقّ طه و القرآن العظيم يا من يقدر علي حوائج السائلين يا من يعلم ما في الضمير يا منفّساً عن المكروبين يا مفرّجاً عن المغمومين يا راحم الشيخ الكبير يا رازق الطفل الصغير يا من لا يحتاج الي التفسير صلّ علي محمد وآل محمّد

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