Abu Hanifa said we dont consider anyone who prays to Qibla to be a kaafir and this is the belief of majority of Ulema (Sharh Muwafaq page 726 (Luckonow) Sharh Maqasid Volume 2 page 269 (Istanbul) Sharh Fiqh Akbar page 189 (Kanpur)
Abu Hanifa wrote in his will The followers of Muhammad can be sinners but they are momin NOT kaafor (al Jahur athul Maneefa Sharh Waseeyul Imam Abu Hanifa page 6 printed Hyderabad Deccan)
Imam Shaafi I do not considfer anyone who prays to be kaafor on account of his sins Al yawaqeeuth wal jawahir Volume 2 page 126 (Cairo)
Shara Muwaqif page 726 The Scholars of fiqh are in agreement that it is NOT permissible to vall anyobe kaafoir whp prays in the direction of Qibla (Lucknow)
source : www.rafed.net