Friday 27th of September 2024
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Abu Hanifa's fatwa that Prophet Hadith should be rubbed out with a pigs tail (God forbid)

Abu Hanifa's fatwa that Prophet Hadith should be rubbed out with a pigs tail (God forbid)

n Tarikh Baghdad we read:

"Abu Isaac al Firowzi states that he was a student of Abu Hanifa I posed a question he answered, but I countered this with a Hadith, he said that you should rub this Hadith with a pigs tail".

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 387

Further on we read:

"Yusuf bi Asbaat states Abu Hanifa rejected 400 Prophetic traditions"

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 390

On the same page we read that:

When the Prophet would proceed on a trip he would make a lottery of his wives names, the wife whose name came out would accompany him on the journey and Imam Abu Hanifa writes that Kurra is a form of gambling


source : www.rafed.net
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