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Abu Hanifa had to ask forgiveness for Shirk, Kufr and various evil acts

In the same book we read:

Abu Hanifa was attending a gathering a meeting of Esa bin Muslim, Abu Hanifa said that the Quran is a creation, Esa said remove him from here if he repents fine else kill him

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 378

In the past Ahlul Sunnah had debates over whether the Quran is outdated; whoever said it was created was a Kaffir in Baghdad page 378 we are told that the first to hold this aqeedah was Abu Hanifa.

In Baghdad we read:

"Qaya bin Rubbee said he saw Ameer of Kufa Yusuf bin Uthman raise Imam Abu Hanifa to a high place and made him repent for committing kufr"

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 381

On page 382:

"Shareek asked why did he [Abu Hanifa} do tauba the answer was for committing kufr".

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 382

On the same page we read:

Shareek bin Abdullah Qadi narrates that Abu Hanifa twice asked for forgiveness for his views on Allah (swt) and the Prophet (S).


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