Thursday 9th of January 2025
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Ayatollah Alavi Gorgani: Islam respects animals' rights

Ayatollah Alavi Gorgani: Islam respects animals' rights

Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Ali Alavi-Gorgani said on Saturday Islam is the religion of kindness and love, does not differentiate between the creatures in basic rights, and thus the animals enjoy certain rights.

'Islam recognizes certain rights and status for the animals, and even the Imams of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Infallible Household personality traits show that they were all opposed to teasing and harming the wild and tame animals,' said the prominent seminary tutor in a meeting with the Iranian Environment Activists and Animal Rights Watch Group.

The ayatollah said that Islam has plans for the entire human beings and other living creatures and plants, including total ban on harming and teasing of the animals.

'The creation of the animals has not been in vain, because the universe is a world of communications, but the human beings, as the Glorious Qur'an reiterates, is incapable of comprehending al the realities of the universe, which is the reason why some people quite illogically harm the animals.

He said that the individuals that disrespect the animals' rights will in the Hereafter be questioned about those deeds, which is why culture building on respecting the animals' rights is necessary in our society.

'Lack of respect for protection of environment and the animals' rights has already created problems for our society, and unfortunately we notice that the people who disrespect the need to preserve the nature and to treat the animals properly are also weak in the fundamentals of beliefs,' said Ayatollah Alavi-Gorgani.


source : www.abna.ir
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