Sunday 23rd of June 2024
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Women’s role in Islamic Revolution discussed in Senegal

Women’s role in Islamic Revolution discussed in Senegal

The role and status of women in the Iranian Islamic revolution were reviewed in a forum held in Senegal to mark the Ten-Days of Dawn festivities.

According to the website of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization (ICRO), the forum was organized by the Iranian Cultural Center in Senegal in cooperation with the Union of Senegalese Muslim Women.

The main objective of the program was to investigate interactions between Iranian and Senegalese women in various social, economic and cultural fields.

About 100 female elites and heads of NGOs from among members of the union participated in the forum and discussed their viewpoints about boosting relations and cooperation among women of the two countries.

Speaking at the program, Hassan Zakeri, Iranian cultural attaché in Senegal, talked about the significant role of women in different phases of Iran's revolution.

He said that today, 36 years after the victory of the Islamic revolution, "we witness more effective role and participation of Iranian women in different areas".

The message of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei to the European and North American youths was read out at the end of the program.

The Ten Days of Dawn Festivities mark the anniversary of Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution.


source : www.abna.ir
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