Friday 10th of January 2025
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The Ahlul Sunnah Fatwa naming the enemies of Islam

The Ahlul Sunnah Fatwa naming the enemies of Islam

In the same book we read:

O Muslim fake sects are growing like tadpoles, today we have such kaffir sects:

Madhabi or la Madhabi Wahabis whose Imam is Abdul Wahab Najdhi and lesser Imam Shah Ismail Dehlavi and they have an Imam Qasim Nanuthawi, Ashraf Ali Thanvi and Rashid Ahmad Gangohi, Khaleel Ahmad un Bhaaytee they are equal in their filth


Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan Aligarhi

Anayathullah Khan Mushrikee"

"Tajhahib Ahl ul Sunnah" by Naasir Sunniyath Abu Tahir Muhammad Thabib Siddiqui Dhana Purri, page 435


source : www.rafed.net
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