Thursday 2nd of January 2025
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Labor's Day in Bahrain: More Than 7400 Unemployed

Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Government of Bahrain chose to mark May 1st of this year (2015) by preventing the labors from walking their annual protests. During these protests, Bahraini workers used to raise banners demanding their legitimate works.
Labor's Day in Bahrain: More Than 7400 Unemployed

Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Government of Bahrain chose to mark May 1st of this year (2015) by preventing the labors from walking their annual protests. During these protests, Bahraini workers used to raise banners demanding their legitimate works.

In the same context, the General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions private sector assistant secretary Kareem Radhi announced, "The Minister of Labor Jameel Humaidan said that he can't hire graduates in the government sector, for the civil service act stipulates some qualifications, budget and vacancy."

Radhi added in a seminar held in The National Democratic Action Society - Wa'ad- on Wednesday, April 29, 2015, "nine years following issuing the law of labor market regulatory authority, did the working conditions ameliorate? The labor market regulatory authority decision was issued to liberalize the labor market and make the bosses hire Bahrainis through raising the wages of the foreign worker. However, the pressures of the bosses on the government hindered paying these fees."

"As for the labor legislations, 1976 law achieved labor gains. However, the amendments of labor law for 1993 degraded these rights," according to Al-Wasat newspaper.

Radhi indicated that, "There are 687 thousands worker in Bahrain, 156 thousands of them are Bahrainis and 532 thousands are foreigners. The number of foreign workers skyrocketed from 2002 to 2013."

Rahdi declared, "The Minister of Labor mentioned that the unemployment percentage decreased. He pointed out that the statistics reveal that unemployed in Bahrain reached 7414 in 2014, 3396 of them are graduates. He also highlighted in his response to the MP Adel Hmayed regarding the number of unemployed in Bahrain that 19 of the unemployed hold the master degree and 3377 of them hold the BA degree"

Rhadi expressed that "youth between 20 and29 contribute the majority of unemployed and that they account to 4626, indicating that the number of unemployed females reaches 6368."

It is to mention that this is not the first time the authority bans this protests, for it had already done so during the national safety law period in 2011.

source : abna
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