Thursday 2nd of January 2025
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Iran’s Int’l Quran Contest a factor in Muslim’s unity: Tajiki reciter

Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Tajiki contestant called the International Quran Competition an element to unify Muslims. According to the news staff at the International Quran Contest, Kamran Kameljan called Quran a key factor in bringing Muslims together.
Iran’s Int’l Quran Contest a factor in Muslim’s unity: Tajiki reciter

Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Tajiki contestant called the International Quran Competition an element to unify Muslims.

According to the news staff at the International Quran Contest, Kamran Kameljan called Quran a key factor in bringing Muslims together.

It is Kameljan’s second time at Iran’s International Quran competition. First time he attended as a memorizer of Quran in the contest and this time round he entered as a reciter.

He said that he has a tough competition ahead since all the competitors are well-prepared.

He also added that during this contest, competitors are able to find their position compared to others at every given time; something that is done for the first time in this competition.

On how he learned Quran, Kameljan said it has roots in his childhood. “Every day after school, I would read a page of Quran and tried to memorize the page. In two years’ time I was able to memorize the entire Book.” Kameljan said.

source : abna
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