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Saudi kingdom involved in terrorist acts against own people

Sahibzada Muhammad Hamid Raza, the chairman of Ittehad Council of Pakistani Sunnis, said that Saudi government often claims that Iran supports the Shi'a Muslim groups throughout the Muslim world.

Sahibzada Muhammad Hamid Raza, the chairman of Ittehad Council of Pakistani Sunnis, said that Saudi government often claims that Iran supports the Shi'a Muslim groups throughout the Muslim world.

'Therefore, it seems likely that by committing terrorist acts against the Saudi Shi'a population Riyadh is sending the message that if Iran does not end its support for the world Shi'a Muslims, the Shi'a minority in Saudi Arabia will be subject to the terrorist attacks,' said Sahebzadeh-Mohammad Hamed-Reza.

The Sunni union's chief said that he firmly believes that the recent terrorist acts in Saudi Arabia are conducted with the approval of the Saudi government, and fully supported by that monarchy, while naming some terrorist groups is only a cover-up to whitewash Riyadh's hand in such heinous crimes.

'The possibility of Daesh and al-Qaeda involvement in the recent terrorist acts in Saudi Arabia is of course high, but we should not forget that the Saudi governments support the two terrorist groups both financially and logistically,' he said.

Meanwhile, the top Sunni personality stressed that the main designer of the past years' catastrophic terrorist events in different Islamic countries is without doubt the racist Zionist regime of Israel.

'In order to sow discord among the Muslims, the Zionists leave no stone unturned and hatch various plots and as many news analyses have mentioned, even the leader of Daesh terrorists, Abu Bakr Al Baqdadi is trained by the Zionist regime,' he said.

Sahebzadeh-Mohammad Hamed-Reza said that the Daesh was designed by Tel Aviv, financed by reactionary Arab governments and logistically backed up by their western allies, aimed at distorting the authentic image of true Islam.

A suicidal bomber who intended a Shia mosque in east of Saudi Arabia and explode himself among the worshipers faced the resistance of the people and the youth there and was urged to explode himself in an adjacent parking lot, killing three people there.

Last week, a suicide bomber in Qatif province of Saudi Arabia killed 20 Shi'a worshipers in a mosque and wounded dozens more.

Before the terrorist attacks many analysts had predicted that the Saudi support for terrorists groups in the region is very perilous and can pose a serious threat even against Riyadh.

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