Friday 27th of September 2024
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Ramadan expo to highlight Islamic culture in South Africa

Reflecting the diversity of the South African Muslim community, a Ramadan expo will be held this weekend to introduce the Islamic culture in the African country. “The expo’s aim is to inform, educate and uplift the entire Western Cape community, not only Muslims,” organizer Salaama Davids said on Sunday.
Ramadan expo to highlight Islamic culture in South Africa

Reflecting the diversity of the South African Muslim community, a Ramadan expo will be held this weekend to introduce the Islamic culture in the African country.

“The expo’s aim is to inform, educate and uplift the entire Western Cape community, not only Muslims,” organizer Salaama Davids said on Sunday.

Davids was talking about Ramadan expo that will be held in the capital, Cape Town, to display food, spices, clothes and art that represents the Islamic culture.

Participants of the event are from India, Somalia, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Spain and Ireland beside other nations.

Along with promoting the Islamic culture, the event aims to show the true-image of Islam.

"The expo introduces the beauty of being Muslim and of Islam to the larger multicultural community of Cape Town, against ongoing Islamophobia and misrepresentation of Islam," organizer Davids said.

“It empowers small emerging businesses by offering them a platform to display their goods and services.
"Lastly, the expo aims to evoke Muslims’ religious-self and to remind them to position themselves in the holy spirit of Ramadan,” he added.

For Imam Abdul Samad Abdul Kader, the event aims at “bringing unity among Muslims - bringing Muslims together under one roof to interact and learn about each other”.

source : abna
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