Friday 19th of July 2024
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Lebanese Hezbollah Leader: If Syria Falls, Palestine Will Do... Aggression on Yemen Serves Israel

Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said day after another the wisdom from Imam Ruhollah Khomeini declaration of Al-Quds International Day becomes clearer and the circumstances in our region also confirms the need for such day.
Lebanese Hezbollah Leader: If Syria Falls, Palestine Will Do... Aggression on Yemen Serves Israel

Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said day after another the wisdom from Imam Ruhollah Khomeini declaration of Al-Quds International Day becomes clearer and the circumstances in our region also confirms the need for such day.

In a speech delivered at a ceremony commemorating Al-Quds day in Beirut, Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that today and despite all the difficult circumstances we find millions who answered a call of Imam Khomeini, in Iran and other Arab and Islamic countries in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Qatif, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Mauritania, Sudan, Turkey, Pakistan, European cities, and this is a very important indicator that there are still ones who remember Jerusalem and take out to the streets or raise their voices in support of this cause.

His Eminence hailed the commemorations held by both Yemeni and Bahraini people, who despite the crises which hit their countries took the streets and voiced support to the Palestinian cause.

“The Yemenis came out in spite of the continued Saudi aggression and the airstrikes launched even on Sanaa, they went out with huge numbers, tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands. The Yemeni people feel that the Arab and Muslim world had abandoned him, however, this matter did not drive them to abandon Al-Quds and the Palestinian cause,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.

“What unites Yemen with Bahrain is the betrayal of the Arab and Muslim world, however, the Bahraini people came out to mark the Jerusalem Day to confirm his commitment to this central cause.”

Aggression on Yemen Serves "Israel"

Moving to Yemen, Sayyed Nasrallah stated: "Despite the continuous Saudi-American aggression against Sanaa, tens of thousands took out to the streets and rallied for Jerusalem, Palestine and Gaza," he stressed.

In parallel, he lamented that "the Yemeni people feel that the world has turned its back on them."

"The war against Yemen today is the biggest service Saudi Arabia can do to Israel," he said. "And it is coming free of charge."

Sayyed Nasrallah further mentioned that "the Saudi war on Yemen is now being fought without any political objectives and it only aims to take revenge on Yemen and its people."

Moreover, His Eminence stressed that "if Yemen becomes sovereign, free, independent and governed by the will of its people, it would become a resistant country that is part of the axis of resistance, which would pose a strategic threat to "Israel"."

According to Sayyed Nasrallah, ""Israel" the mother of all terrorism presents itself as a force fighting terrorism."

"Some Zionist leaders are trying to convince the world to officially acknowledge the annexation of the Golan into the Zionist entity," he warned, noting that ""Israel" is the root of terrorism, and the entity that was established by terrorist organizations is trying to present itself as a force fighting terrorism."

Enemy of Iran, Enemy of Palestine

On another level, Sayyed Nasrallah confirmed that "Israel's" main objectives are targeted against Iran.
""Israel" knows that the takfiri scheme, which is sponsored by some Arab regimes, is destroying the countries that it wants destroyed," he added.

Regarding the "Israeli" fear from the Iranian steadfastness and strength, Hizbullah Secretary General emphasized that " once Syria was plagued by conflict, the enemies focused on Iran and the resistance movement as the remaining greatest threats."

"Iran is the only country that, in the mind of the "Israeli" officials, poses an existential threat to "Israel"; thus, they seek to incite the entire world against the Islamic Republic."

In addition His Eminence acknowledged: "Because Iran represents a threat to "Israel", military wars were waged against it in the past, and now it is facing a psychological, media and economic war, and Washington's allies in the region are taking part in these wars."

"If you want to support Palestine, you have to support the Islamic Republic of Iran," Sayyed Nasrallah said, highlighting that "if you are an enemy of the Islamic Republic, you are an enemy of Palestine."

He stressed that the Resistance movement proudly poses a strategic threat to the Zionist entity. "However, it has not reached a level to pose an existential treat" to "Israel"."

On this level, His Eminence asserted that the question must be asked why this "complete enmity" is being directed at Iran and not against Arab countries. In response, Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted that the Zionist entity realized that Arab officials do nothing for the cause of Palestine and Gaza.

"Aren't they part of the Islamic nation? Are the Palestinians not Muslims?"" Sayyed Nasrallah asked.

As he hailed Tehran's commitment to the Palestinian cause, he continued to ask: "Who is still raising the flag? He, who is still raising the flag... still standing on the front-line... is the Islamic Republic of Iran."

"Imam Khomeini's Iran, the Iranian government and people under the leadership of Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei will never recognize "Israel"," he said.

"If the entire nuclear deal hinges on the precondition of acknowledging "Israel" as a "state", the Iranian republic and its people would never accept such a condition, because they would be renouncing their religion if they accept such a stance."

Sayyed Nasrallah further underlined that "the only hope left for this region, after God, is the Iranian republic and its support for the resistance movements in the region."

"Any talk about a Shia crescent is a lie by corrupt Arab officials," he said, adding that Iran is an ally of Arab countries.

On this level, His Eminence clarified that "the claims that there is a Persian scheme are aimed at diverting the attention of Muslims from the Palestinian cause. Any talk of a Shiite crescent is a lie fabricated by the corrupt Arab system, which has abandoned Palestine."

Palestine's Road passes through Syria

Commenting on the developments in Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah asserted: "Syria is defiant and it will remain steadfast."

"Our Resistance fighters who fall in Syria are dying for the sake of the resistant Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. The road to Occupied al-Quds does not go through Jounieh, but it goes through Qalamoun, Zabadani, Daraa and Hasakeh, because if Syria is lost, Palestine would be lost."

Reiterating Hizbullah's condemnation to the recent terrorist attacks against the Kuwaiti mosques, Sayyed Nasrallah hailed Kuwaiti response to these attacks.

"The bombing in Kuwait was meant to incite sectarian conflict in the country, but to no avail, as the country's emir, government and scholars prevented such a scenario from playing out."

Not to Leave Aoun Alone

Moving to the internal front, Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted that "Weeks ago, it was obvious that the country was heading towards a clash over the issue of government and the Free Patriotic Movement [FPM] is a key party in the equation."

"Aoun is raising legitimate demands. Some parties believed that the allies do not share the same stance and that Hizbullah is preoccupied in Syria and that Aoun was alone. We insisted on consensus in the cabinet and we did not need to reach this extent."

However, His Eminence stressed that "Aoun's allies have not abandoned the FPM. Some parties tried to drive a wedge between the allies."

In response to such fabrications, he unveiled that " Aoun never asked Hizbullah to join its street protest as he is fully aware that Hizbullah's participation not in FPM's interests."

Meanwhile, Sayyed Nasrallah voiced his backing of Aoun's demands to respect unanimous consent as a condition for any decision in the Cabinet until a president is elected.

"We are not giving up on any of our allies, and particularly not on Gen. Aoun and the FPM," he said. "Our options are open. Don't assume that we won't not do some things, everything is possible. I am not threatening, but this is how we behave."

He also assured that neither Aoun nor his allies want to topple the government, because that would plunge the entire country into vacuum.

Sayyed Nasrallah called for serious dialogue, especially between Aoun and the Future movement, noting that the Future Movement did not honor the promises to Aoun. "We have a chance till after the Eid (Eid al-Fitr) to figure it out," he said. "The Future Movement had made promises to Gen. Aoun, so they should go ahead and discuss them."

"Lebanon needs its civil peace, institutions and coexistence, and it has no room for elimination, exclusion or monopolization, and partnership is our destiny," His Eminence concluded.

source : abna
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