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Iran Supreme Leader’s four-hour meeting with hundreds of students

Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a friendly and straightforward meeting on Saturday with more than one thousand young students, which took about four hours, listened to their concerns, demands, criticisms and proposals. He spoke with them about different issues including idealism, requirements for boosting the influence of student organizations, regional issues, Iranian nation’s persistent fight against world arrogance, and everyday iss
Iran Supreme Leader’s four-hour meeting with hundreds of students

Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a friendly and straightforward meeting on Saturday with more than one thousand young students, which took about four hours, listened to their concerns, demands, criticisms and proposals. He spoke with them about different issues including idealism, requirements for boosting the influence of student organizations, regional issues, Iranian nation’s persistent fight against world arrogance, and everyday issues of students.   

During the meeting, which started at 18:00 local time and continued after evening prayers and fast breaking, the Leader referred to the atmosphere of yearning as the holy month of Ramadan nears its end, saying, “In this spring of spirituality and purity, anybody letting his heart be influenced by the rain of divine mercy and favor, will benefit from the fruits of this spiritual sowing in the future.”  

In response to a question frequently asked by youths about ways of spiritual exaltation, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “I heard from pundits that the most important work for spiritual exaltation is piety and refraining from [committing] sins.”

Ayatollah Khamenei said performing religious obligations particularly “on-time prayers with suitable attention [to its content] and preferably in congregation” is complementary to refraining from sins, adding, “Adorn this valuable collection by reciting at least a few verses from the [holy] Quran every day.”

After underscoring the importance of fulfilling religious obligations, the Leader went on to discuss student obligations.    
Ayatollah Khamenei described students as a unique social stratum, noting, “The most important student obligation is idealism.”

Dismissing a thought which considers idealism as contrary to realism, the Leader said, “Idealism is opposed to conservatism, not realism.”

Further explaining himself, the Leader said conservatism means submission to any reality, adding, “Idealism means correctly using positive realities and fighting negative realities with a view to reaching big objectives.”

Ayatollah Khamenei said, “Establishment of an Islamic society and revival of the notion of political Islam” were among the most important ideals, adding, “The ideal of self-confidence and belief in [the idea that] ‘We Can’ is decisively influential on the growth and exaltation of the society and the country.”

Fighting the hegemonic system and [world] arrogance was the third ideal that Ayatollah Khamenei discussed within the framework of the obligations of student community.

Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The main reason behind enmity of global bullying powers toward the Iranian nation is the Islamic Republic’s refusal to accept a system based on domineering and submissive [elements].”

The Leader mentioned “justice-seeking,” “Islamic lifestyle,” “realistic and not Western-style freedom-seeking,” “scientific growth,” “work, endeavor and refraining from laziness,” and “Islamization of universities” as other manifestations of idealism [to be followed] by student organizations.

The Leader then answered one of the strategic concerns of students, asking, “How can one influence the decisions of the country’s officials by [opting for] idealism?”

Ayatollah Khamenei’s response to this question was clear and emphatic, “Repeat the ideals, stick to them seriously so that they would [first] turn into the student discourse and then into a public discourse. Then, officials as well as organs affiliated with the administration and government would be influenced.”

After elucidating the mechanism of the influence of student organizations on decision-making by different organs in the country, the Leader highlighted requirements to which student organizations should remain committed.  

Ayatollah Khamenei said refraining from “superficiality and profound work on Islamic concepts” are the first requirements for the student organizations.

To that effect, the Leader criticized certain slogans and remarks, which are apparently Islamic but interiorly different.

As an example, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The term of ‘merciful Islam’, which has become common these days, has been formed through combination of two beautiful words. But what’s its real meaning? Does it mean that despite the Quran dividing humans into pious and infidel, [as well as] foe and friend, all humans should be treated with mercy? [Does it mean that] those who are hostile to Islam and the Iranian nation should be treated with kindness, friendship and justice, against the God’s order?”

The Leader said such indiscreet and superficial words are wrong and misleading, adding, “Is the term of merciful Islam derived from Western liberalism? If so, this term is neither Islamic, nor even merciful or emotional, because liberalism is founded on humanism which is based on the denial of God and spirituality, and is based on the interests of powerful groups.  

To that effect, Ayatollah Khamenei criticized issued that are called American values, saying, “The world-devouring nature of the hegemonic system is rooted in these very American values. Moreover, the positive points of these values have been forgotten in the hegemonic behavior of American officials.”

“If the term of merciful Islam refers to such issues, it is one hundred percent wrong and it has nothing to do with the genuine Islam,” the Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei then referred to another requirement for the influence of student organizations, i.e. “boosting attractiveness.”

The Leader totally dismissed the idea of boosting attractiveness of student environments in wrong ways such as organizing co-ed tours and music concerts, saying, “Those who take people’s student boys and girls together to Europe under the cover of student tours for the [so-called] purpose of attractiveness, are definitely betraying student environments and even the future generation.”

Elucidating correct methods for making student organizations more attractive, Ayatollah Khamenei referred to newly-developed religious, political and social ideas, adding, “In-depth study of the Quran and Nahj-ul-Balagha (the collection of sermons and words of Imam Ali (AS), the first Shia Imam) allows raising new and attractive ideas.”

The Leader recommended students to take advantage of artistic methods like student plays, cartoons, satire, audio periodicals, and poetical gatherings.

Elucidating the third requirement for boosting attractiveness of student organizations, Ayatollah Khamenei laid emphasis on “intellectual contentment and refraining from force and imposition.”

“Religious thought cannot be transferred unless through [intellectual] contentment. Of course, some words may be accepted without intellectual contentment under the influence of sentiments and excitement, but since this acceptance is not convincing it will not last long,” the Leader said.

Referring to the background of Marxist and Communist groups’ recourse to non-convincing methods and imposition of their own views, the Leader warned, “If some reports about the reactivation of Marxist current in some universities were true, the US money would be definitely behind this current in order to [cause] division and discord among students.”

Ayatollah Khamenei recommended student organizations to “take advantage of professors devoted to [Islamic and revolutionary] values and refuse to use those elements that are unreliable for the [Islamic] Establishment and country and people,” saying, “Elements like those who triggered those events in [the unrest during the Iranian calendar year,] 1388 [2009] and opposed the Islamism and Republicanism of the Establishment without any logic are not reliable.”
The Leader said “understanding the realities of the country” is another requirement for boosting the influence of student organizations.

Ayatollah Khamenei said, “Expecting officials to work more and make more efforts is a right expectation, but positive realities should be also observed.”

Ayatollah Khamenei said increased attention to the ideals and the failure of efforts by certain groups to marginalize and eliminate the ideals of Imam Khomeini, are among the significant realities in the country.

The Leader noted that following the demise of the late Imam Khomeini, some people inadvertently revealed their hidden goals to marginalize the great ideals of the Imam, and of course, they have become more mature now and no longer speak openly about this goal, though they still strive toward it.

Ayatollah Khamenei said, “Despite incessant efforts by this group inside and outside the country and recruitment of intellectual, political and artistic elements, the ideals have become more lively and dynamic in the country and even youths who had not witnessed the attractive realities of the Imam’s lifetime and the Imposed War (Iraqi war on Iran from 1980 to 1988), have wholeheartedly been attracted by the ideals of Islam and the [1979 Islamic] Revolution.”
Ayatollah Khamenei said, “Iran’s stunning and spiritual presence and influence” in the Middle East region is another reality which student organizations should take into consideration.

The Leader added, “We are well aware that Americans and reactionaries in the region pour out their hearts to each other [due to their frustration] about Iran’s regional influence in their secret meetings, but they cannot do anything.”
Referring to the 100-day bombing of Yemen and the savage killing of innocent and oppressed people in that country, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The liberal West claiming to be advocating freedom remains tight-lipped in the face of these Saudi crimes and the [UN] Security Council, in one of its most disgraceful resolutions, condemns victims of the bombing instead of bombers.”

Ayatollah Khamenei said the main reason for the bombing of Yemenis’ houses was the frustration and anger of Saudis and their supporters about Iran’s influence in the region, adding, “Despite allegations, the influence of Islamic Iran in the region is a God-given blessing, not a physical and arms-based one. Like Martyr Beheshti (Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad Beheshti, the first judiciary chief of Iran), we tell the enemies of this nation to die from anger and frustration.”

The Leader of the Revolution recommended student organizations to work on regional and international issues, including the events in Yemen, Iraq and Syria. Noting that formation of student organizations during election campaigning was an insult to the student community, the Leader said, “These ad hoc associations aside, Islamic and interested organizations can be very instrumental and influential on the country’s general drive.”

At the start of his speech, after listening to the views of nine representatives of student organizations, Ayatollah Khamenei referred to remarks by one of them regarding the futility of “slogan without action,” saying, “Of course, a substantive, meaningful motto containing an expandable intellectual reality can draw human factors into the scene, set [their] orientation and be inciting.”

One of the students criticized restrictions considered for the activity of revolutionary student organizations. In this regard, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution addressed the minister of science, research and technology, and the minister of health, emphasizing, “The words of Islamic and revolutionary student organizations are the same as our words and demands and individuals holding key positions and jobs at universities should by no means crack down on these organizations and restrict the space of their activity.”  

Ayatollah Khamenei agreed with one of the students, who criticized certain issues that hinder scientific progress in universities, like music concerts, saying, “These activities, under the pretext of bringing joy to the student environment, are among the most erroneous steps.”

The Leader of the Revolution said misleading youths towards such unhealthy environments is an enemy scheme, adding, “The harbingers of pride-inspiring scientific drive in the country in such sensitive and important fields as nuclear and nano-[technology], have been, and still are, pious and revolutionary youths, and the enemies want that [scientists] like Dr. [Majid] Shahriyari (assassinated nuclear scientist) and Dr. [Mostafa] Chamran (a physicist and former official) would not be trained at universities.”

Ayatollah Khamenei said, “I trust the ministers of science and health both, but they should watch out for some people in their affiliated organs not to drive students away from revolutionary and Islamic tendencies and spirituality through some wrong activities and plans.”

Another point raised by the students was the formation of “free thinking forums in the proper sense of the word.” To that effect, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “I totally agree with this and a Muslim revolutionary student devoted to Velayat [Faqih] should overpower opposite arguments in cold blood and with the power of logic and strength of argument, which this capacity exists today.”

In response to a question by one of students about remarks by some representatives and appointees of the Leader, who try to pass their views as those of the Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “What they say is their words, and you hear my words from me in person.”

“The appointees of the Leader may even have a view different from me on some political and social issues, which is no problem, because the main issue is general and revolutionary orientation [of these people],” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

“Of course, if anyone says something unrealistic, quoting me, he will receive notice and will be asked to correct himself,” the Leader said.

Another question by one of the students was about the process of fighting arrogance after nuclear talks. In response, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The fight against arrogance and hegemonic system, based on Quranic principles, will never stop, and today the US is the most complete example of arrogance.”

“We have told the [Iranian nuclear] negotiators that they are authorized to negotiate only on the nuclear issue. Although the American side sometimes brings up regional issues like Syria and Yemen, our officials say they do not negotiate on these issues,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

“The fight against arrogance is among principles of the revolution and is a main activity, [and] therefore, prepare yourselves to continue the fight against arrogance,” added the Leader.

A student asked the Supreme Leader to recommend parents to not be so strict on the marriage of youths.

Ayatollah Khamenei called on parents to avoid strictness, saying, “God has promised in the Quran that He would enrich youths after marriage and problems would be resolved.”

Ayatollah Khamenei described the ceremony of proposing to a woman and mediation for facilitating marriage of youths as a commendable custom, adding, “Resolving the problem of the marriage of youths is in mundane and spiritual benefit of the country and the society.”

To that effect, the Leader highlighted the issue of population growth and referring to some reports about the incorrect implementation of the law banning sterilization of couples, he told the health minister, “[Please] deal with this issue.”
Expressing deep and wholehearted satisfaction with the meeting with students, Ayatollah Khamenei said the lively, motivated and joyful participation of Iranian students and youths in different issues of the country was an important issue which is the opposite of reports presented by some biased statistical centers about prevalence of depression among Iranian youths.

Ayatollah Khamenei said, “This sheer and vicious lie is a pretext for prescribing obscene freedoms.”

The Leader said Iranian youths are among the most joyful and active and liveliest youths in the world, adding that, on the opposite, high suicide rate among European youths is indicative of the prevalence of depression in the Western world.

He said the murder of around 80 children in an attack by a European youth several years ago and the high tendency of European youths for membership in Daesh (ISIL) to conduct suicide bombings were major examples of depression among European youths. However, the Leader added, “Fasting Iranian youths who, after one night of vigil, came to the streets to attend the Quds Day rally under searing summer sun, are lively and joyful, and are miles away from depression.”

At the start of this meeting, nine representatives of student organizations, namely;


Ali Pahlavan Kashi, secretary of the Islamic Student Society

Keyvan Asem Kaffash, secretary general of the Islamic Student Assemblies of the Islamic Azad University

Vahid Zare’, member of the Council for Elucidating the Positions of Basiji Students

Hadi Zolfaqari, secretary of the Islamic Student Association of Allameh Tabatabaei University

Mikaeil Dayani, secretary of the Union of Islamic Associations of Independent Students

Ali Mehdianfar, official in charge of Basiji students at the Islamic Azad University, North Branch, and

Hossein Shahbazizadeh, secretary of the Justice-Seeking Student Movement

and Misses:

Zeinab os-Sadat Hosseini, member of the Central Committee of Unity Consolidation Office, and
Saba Karam, head of the Medical Jihad Group of Najaf Headquarters,

offered their views and proposals as follows:

Necessity of further communication between heads of three branches of government and students

Establishment of a think tank for monitoring cultural maladies in the country

Depoliticizing the cultural domain

Recruiting youths in the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution and allocating a share to student organizations in the council

Necessity of taking firm legal action against violators in the issue of illegal scholarships

Making incessant efforts to avoid the drop in the country’s scientific ranking at global level

Necessity of making intensified efforts by the judiciary to fight financial corruption

Supporting efforts made by the nuclear negotiating team for standing up to the excessive demands of America and protecting national interests of the country

Attention to knowledge-based economy

Necessity of expelling seditious elements from executive posts

Necessity of preventing mental inflammation in the society by refraining from highlighting political differences

Taking good advantage of the capacity of Friday Prayers podiums and non-involvement of Friday Prayers leaders in partisan activities

Reliance on domestic potential and Jihadi management to resolve economic problems

Necessity of blocking distortion of the Imam Khomeini’s line in political, cultural and economic fields

Blocking external infiltration into the cultural sector of universities

Necessity of transferring management experience of the first generation of the Islamic Revolution’s executives to future generations

Criticizing the restriction of the country’s diplomatic capacity to the nuclear issue and negotiations with the US

Criticizing the wrong comparison of the present circumstances in the country with conditions that forced Imam Hassan (AS), the second Shia Imam, to accept peace with his enemy, and

Necessity of serious attention by officials to the impoverished and oppressed social classes.

source : abna
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