Friday 27th of September 2024
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The Sunrise

The Sunrise The people of the Book (Christians and Jews) gave good news of the appearance of a new prophet whose time was about to come. The Arab tribes reported the news. Those who sneered at the idols lon
The Sunrise

The Sunrise

The people of the Book (Christians and Jews) gave good news of the appearance of a new prophet whose time was about to come.


The Arab tribes reported the news. Those who sneered at the idols longed for the coming of the new prophet.



One day, a man came from Makkah and said to Jundub:

There's a man in Makkah who says that there is no god but Allah and claims that he is a prophet.

Jundub asked:

Which tribe does he belong to?

The man answered:

He belongs to the Quraish.

Jundub asked:

Which tribe of the Quraish does he belong to?

The man answered:

He belongs to Bani Hashim.

What have the Quraish done?

They've accused him of lying. They say that he's a magician and an insane.

The man went away, but Jundub thought again and again.

source : sibtayn
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