Sunday 23rd of June 2024
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Shiites in Manchester Launch Imam Hussain (AS) Awareness Campaign

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - In 2012, youth of Mohebban al-Mahdi Youth Foundation in Manchester embarked on ambitious expedition to spread the message of Hussain that he left for them to deliver to the whole of the humankind. Though the task was tough, budget was big and snags were several but so were their efforts which were both astronomical and endle
Shiites in Manchester Launch Imam Hussain (AS) Awareness Campaign

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - In 2012, youth of Mohebban al-Mahdi Youth Foundation in Manchester embarked on ambitious expedition to spread the message of Hussain that he left for them to deliver to the whole of the humankind. Though the task was tough, budget was big and snags were several but so were their efforts which were both astronomical and endless. The campaign which started with a mere £1200 for three bus stops near the Manchester universities is already challenging the limits of skies. And why not it belongs to the one whose land is better than the skies and in fact he owns the skies in his inheritance. The campaign leaped from three bus stops for £1200 to £6000 with addition of 22 flags and 52 phone booths sites in the heart of Manchester City Centre.Off course they had an epic battle with the Manchester City Council to seek permission for installing lamp post flags. The stones did not turn until the involvement of local MPs but they were not left unturned. Since Hussain is victorious his campaign conquered too and with the generous contributions of community it was not a problem. The story continues….. In 2013, the number of volunteers increased so did the group’s technical and fund raising abilities along with their confidence in Allah and their local communities. Since their morale was boosted they boosted the budget too. This means the number of flags increased to 50 and negotiations started with potential providers for bus advertising. We agreed to have 45 super-sides bus ads for £7000 plus £5000 for flags. But there comes a twist, Mohebban launched their fund raising campaign in a massive event in October 2013. Within a couple of days a big-hearted and anonymous donor offered lavish donation of £13000. Wow, this meant bus campaign increased to 86 buses.In ‪this campaign Shias spread the story of Imam Hussain (a.s), his family and his companions at

source : abna24
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