Friday 27th of September 2024
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Karbala provides great investment to Muslim world

Ayatollah Makarem said Karbala provided a great investment to the Islamic world such that during its own time, the tragedy became a great scandal for the Umayyad Dynasty and during subsequent periods, became an important movement to combat all deviations and oppression.
Karbala provides great investment to Muslim world

Ayatollah Makarem said Karbala provided a great investment to the Islamic world such that during its own time, the tragedy became a great scandal for the Umayyad Dynasty and during subsequent periods, became an important movement to combat all deviations and oppression.

The martyrdom of Imam Husayn, his family and companions on the plains of Karbala provided a great investment to the Islamic world such that during its own time, the tragedy became a great scandal for the Umayyad Dynasty and during subsequent periods, became an important movement to combat all deviations and oppression, Ayatollah Makarem said during his speech at a meeting of the Central Council of Religious Delegations.

The revered source of emulation added that the Umayyad Dynasty’s are considered as the main enemies of the Muslims and that, Abu Sufyan was the first enemy of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad and that the wars fought against the fledgling Muslim community were fought due to his encouragement. After the victory of Islam, the Umayyad’s joined the hypocrites in order to influence Muslims and achieve their goals.
“Unfortunately, they were successful in spreading their influence,” he said.

His Eminence explained that the many uprisings that occurred after the martyrdom of Imam Husayn were inspired by the tragedy of Karbala and that through Imam Husayn’s uprising, the Umayyad Dynasty was not able to return Islam to the Days of Ignorance as they sought to.

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi added that the Ahlul-Bayt strived to keep the flame of mourning for Imam Husayn burning and added that during the minor and greater occultation’s of Imam al-Mahdi, this is the duty of the religious scholars.

He pointed out the difficulties in mourning for Imam Husayn throughout history, saying that during the kingdom of Reza Pahlavi, no one in Iran dared to hold mourning ceremonies on Ashura and those who dared to mourn would do it behind closed doors with the curtains drawn but today, mourning for Imam Husayn is widespread and has even reached everywhere in the world.

The teacher in the Islamic Seminary of Qom said the enemies have realized the power and capacity of mourning for Imam Husayn and this bothers them as when the lights of mourning for Imam Husayn are turned on, their illegitimate interests are at stake.

“Therefore, they have decided to be antagonistic toward this culture,” he said.

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi stated that the enemies have two strategies to combat the culture of Ashura – the promotion of open conflict among Muslims and the deviation of their mourning ceremonies to turn them away from their true meanings.

The renowned source of emulation warned against the enemies’ attempts to "sow deviation in our mourning ceremonies."

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi said that the enemies believe that if they can infiltrate religious groups and ceremonies, little by little, people will distance themselves from these rituals.

The Iranian scholar stated that foreign media do not show any images and videos which exemplify the grandeur and glory of our Muharram mourning ceremonies but rather they broadcast videos of the damaging practice of tatbir (self-flagellation) on television and satellite channels as they seek to equate the image of tatbir with Ashura.

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi said that young people are more at danger from the enemies’ plots and called on religious groups to try to attract young people to mourning ceremonies, adding that lecturers should use these opportunities to encourage the youth to fulfill their religious duties.

source : abna24
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