Monday 24th of June 2024
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Bahraini Shi'a child tortured in detention, transferred to solitary confinement

The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) stated that the Bahraini child Ali Abdullah Isa (15 years old) was recently arrested in a raid on his father's house in Zayed city in the early hours of the morning by members of civilian security forces and was taken to the juvenile detention center.
Bahraini Shi'a child tortured in detention, transferred to solitary confinement

The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) stated that the Bahraini child Ali Abdullah Isa (15 years old) was recently arrested in a raid on his father's house in Zayed city in the early hours of the morning by members of civilian security forces and was taken to the juvenile detention center.

BFHR added that he "was harshly beaten and tortured, despite his medical condition as he suffers from sickle cell anemia and was born with a punctured heart," calling for his immediate release.

In its statement issued on Thursday (October 22, 2015), the BFHR stressed that Ali Abdullah Isa was transferred to solitary confinement and "was subjected to abuse" and according to witnesses "he was transferred to the emergency room in the hospital to be returned to the detention center, and was also prevented from meeting and contacting his family for 7 days."

"Between 2011 and 2014, 515 children have been arrested in Bahrain over political reasons and all those involved in torturing and killing children have not been held accountable to date, which reflects a prevalent policy of impunity practiced in the country," BFHR further stated.

source : abna24
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