Sunday 5th of January 2025
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The Greatest Remembrance of God

In the Prophet of Allah there is certainly for you an Excellent Exemplar, for those who look forward to Allah and the Last Day, and remember Allah greatly.” (Holy Qur’an 33:21) There are clear words of guidance in the above passage. The Almighty means to tell the
The Greatest Remembrance of God

In the Prophet of Allah there is certainly for you an Excellent Exemplar, for those who look forward to Allah and the Last Day, and remember Allah greatly.” (Holy Qur’an 33:21)

There are clear words of guidance in the above passage. The Almighty means to tell the believers that the ways, manners, practice, behaviour, and the whole life of His Last and Greatest Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (SAWA), is the most excellent model to mold their life upon, if they are eagerly awaiting the meeting with “Besought of all” and the Day of Resurrection when judgement will take place and the faithful will be rewarded with the bliss of eternal life in paradise.
The ayah ends with the words: “and remember Allah greatly”. It means that the main characteristic of those “looking forward to Allah and the Last Day” is the constant remembrance of the Almighty Creator.
Here a question might arise: What is the proper way and manner of the remembrance of the Omnipresent, Who is near to us than our own jugular vein, especially when several other ayahs of the Holy Qur’an emphasize on this point?
The answer is obvious. It is to be found in the ways, manners, behaviour and practice of the “Mercy unto the creation”, who as the Scripture says in Surah Najm, neither errs nor speaks out of desire, but whatever he says is revelation.
So what eternally enduring formula did the Prophet prescribe for the constant remembrance of God, especially in view of the fact that a human being has various wants and needs, such as the quest for livelihood, enjoying the bounties of nature and the pleasures of life in a lawful and legal manner, raising family, scholastic pursuit, defence affairs, leisure, rest, sleep and the like. In other words, one is not supposed to be engrossed in the ritual prayer all the time.
In view of these undeniable facts, upon divine revelation, the Prophet prescribed the finest formula for the remembrance of God, and he did not deem any of his companions (fresh converts from ages of idolatry and sinful life) worthy of being entrusted with such an important trust, because of discord and distrust that might emerge.
He thus bequeathed it to his dearest and nearest one, that is, the Impeccable Daughter, Hazrat Fatema Zahra (SA), whose blessed birthday we are celebrating today.
As recorded in all authoritative books of hadith and history (both Sunni and Shi’ite), he told his daughter: Should I teach you something which is far better than any possession of this world? And when the Noblest Lady of all times nodded in the affirmative, he said: Recite 34 times Allah-o Akbar (God is Greatest), 33times, al-Hamdu lillah (Praised be God), and 33 times Subhan-Allah (Glory to God).
This wonderful formula which ever since has been known as Tasbih Hazrat Fatema Zahra (SA), has been described in a narration as “God cannot be worshipped or has not been worshipped with a praise more powerful than this Tasbih.”
According to Imam Ja’far as-Sadeq (AS), the 6th Infallible Heir of the Prophet “It is better for a person to be engaged in this Tasbih rather than to pray a thousand rak’at every day.”
The faithful not just recite it regularly after the obligatory (or even recommended prayer) every day, but do it every often, especially before going to bed.
No Wonder, God has hailed Hazrat Fatema Zahra (SA) as Kowsar in the holy Qur’an, which means the Blessed Fountain of Perpetual Abundance. For this reason, the Almighty decreed the continuation of the Prophet’s progeny through the Lady of Paradise, who is indeed the Pride of the Virgin Mary, while the lineage of those who used to mock the Prophet has long vanished in the shifting sands of Arabia.
Courtesy – Kayhan International, Iran’s English Language Daily

source : irib
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