Thursday 9th of January 2025
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Bahrain's Al Wefaq Condemns the Brutal Attack on Sayeda Zainab District in Syria

Al Wefaq National Islamic Society in Bahrain condemns the brutal crime that was committed by terrorists in the Sayeda Zainab (pbuh) district, southern Damascus. The attack took the lives of tens of tens of people and wounded others.
Bahrain's Al Wefaq Condemns the Brutal Attack on Sayeda Zainab District in Syria

Al Wefaq National Islamic Society in Bahrain condemns the brutal crime that was committed by terrorists in the Sayeda Zainab (pbuh) district, southern Damascus. The attack took the lives of tens of tens of people and wounded others.

This crime, which targeted the holy shrine of the granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), reveals the downfall of values and hostility towards Islamic principles.

These inhumane and terror acts make counter-terror most necessary on all levels, starting with filtering education curriculums, media material and religious tribunes from rhetoric that supports and strengthens terrorism.

What is most needed, in this context, is for the United Nations to take a genuine stance and measures to reveal and combat terror and its supporters.

source : abna24
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