Monday 6th of January 2025
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Some Selected Sayings (Traditions) of the Holy Prophet

1. "Seek knowledge even if it were in China." It was knowledge of good from evil, which made man worthy of getting the great job of the vice-regency of God on earth. Knowledge has given man superiority over more powerful creatures. It is self evid
Some Selected Sayings (Traditions) of the Holy Prophet

1. "Seek knowledge even if it were in China." It was knowledge of good from evil, which made man worthy of getting the great job of the vice-regency of God on earth. Knowledge has given man superiority over more powerful creatures. It is self evident that nations, which had more knowledge, acquired greater power. The above tradition stresses the need of acquiring knowledge even if one has to travel long distances.
2. "Masses follow the religion of their rulers.” A deep study of history surely reveals the truth of this proverbial saying. Christianity was going through a very hard time until Constantine the great made it a state religion of the Roman Empire.
After acquiring this status Christianity spread throughout the Empire like bush fire. More or less the same thing happened in the East when Islam became the religion of the ruling class. Even now in this age of so called individual freedom and a democratic life style, in most countries force is used to subdue and subjugate the people who dare to defy the policy of the ruling classes.
This clearly means that a just and guided ruler is essential for the up lifts of the people as a whole, hence the need of the presence of an Imam to guide them.
3, “ Refrain from slanderous situations. People say that such and such a person associates with thieves, he must be a thief himself. A wise man keeps himself away from such situations.”
4. “ Actions are determined by their intentions.” Saying prayers while your mind is somewhere else is worthless."
5. "To associate with a learned man for an hour is better than the company of a worshipper for seventy years."
6. “ Someone asked the Holy Prophet during the battle of Badr, “What is Deen”. The Prophet replied, Belief in One God and service of the people.”

source : alhassanain
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