The Bahraini Authorities ordered its security apparatus to summon the chairman of Al Wefaq’s Arbitration Panel, Sheikh Jassim Alkhayat, on Monday 22nd February 2016.
Sheikh Alkhayat approached the Houra police station accompanied by his lawyer in the morning. However, his lawyer was prevented from attending the interrogation session. Alkhayat was then directly transferred to the Public Prosecution Office where he was made to wait for hours whilst not being allowed to call his lawyer before the interrogation.
Alkhayat was questioned about the contents of a sermon he gave during Friday prayer two weeks ago. The Prosecution Office accused him of “inciting hate and contempt against the regime”. Sheikh Alkhayat denied the charge that has become very common as the Authorities in Bahrain continue to punish Bahraini individuals who dare to express their opinions. The continued targeting of dissidents refutes the Authorities’ false claims of implementing even the simplest BICI recommendations.
Al Wefaq National Islamic Society said the summoning of Sheikh Alkhayat is unacceptable as it comes within the Authorities’ attempts to silent freedom of speech and opinion and restrict political activism. The summoning of Alkahayat is yet another example on the Authorities’ continuous attempts to tell the international community that the situation is not as it is pictured.
The Bahraini Authorities must stop targeting clerics, activists, politicians, elite and human rights activists through repeated summonses and detentions solely for speaking out about the citizens’ fundamental humanitarian rights.
source : abna24