An Italian man converts to Islam at Imam Ridha holy shrine on the eve of holy Ramadan

An Italian young man converted to Islam at the Imam Ridha Holy Shrine (8th Shia Imam) and on the eve of holy month of Ramadan 2016.
After years of research on Islam and getting familiar with Qur'an, Alessandro Juliani completed his understanding of this holy book and converted to Islam.
This Italian young man choose Muhhammad as his new name. Regarding his conversion into Islam, he said, “I had heard about Islam a lot and all these hearings persuaded me to learn more. So, I began my researches and studied many books and journals on Islam.”
He went on, “When I got enough information about Islam, I decided to convert to it.”
Muhammad who is an engineer in a production line of a famous car maker company stressed, “After my basic familiarity with Islam, my eagerness to learn about it increased a lot and I decided to do a wide range of researches and studies. Relationship with some Muslim families and enjoying their guidance and also their viewpoint toward life and hereafter helped me to have a true selection.”
“Vast studies and researches changed my beliefs and it was the very goal I had been searching for years. At the beginning, there were many topics that were not clear for me. During my studies I discover that Islam is the religion of peace and this was very interesting and attractive for me”, this Italian engineer said.
He continued, “This was a personal decision and others disagreements were not important for me at all.”
Expressing happiness about his presence at the Razavi Holy Shrine, this Italian new Muslim said, “I had heard some things about Imam Ridha (A) and I did know that he was buried in the holy city of Mashhad. Therefore, I, receiving others' advices, decided to convert at this place.”
At the end, he remarked, “I have a very good feeling and I am at the beginning of a way which will take me up.”