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Secretary General of Ahlul Bayt World Assembly writes open letter to Hollande and other European authorities

Secretary General of Ahlul Bayt World Assembly writes open letter to Hollande and other European authorities

Secretary General of the Ahlul Bayt World Assembly mentioned some important points about Takfiri and international terrorism in his letter to the president of France and senior officials of European states.

Hojatoleslam Akhtari, in this letter, also referred to the teachings of Quran, Prophet (PBUH) and Imam Ali (AS) as teachings that are based on human rights and protection of the souls of non-Muslims and said: "Having Arabic names and Islamic appearances does not mean that the perpetrators of these crimes are committing these crimes by the order of Islam. The most obvious sign of this fact is the long history of peaceful coexistence of religions in Islamic lands."

At the end of his letter, he asked from the French President and senior officials of European countries to save at least the lives of their innocent children and citizens by abandoning the dual approach and politicking, and by practicing their historical responsibility to act against the unleashed Takfirist terrorism and said: "Your best friends and sincere partners in this serious and consistent deal are truthful Muslim scholars as well as the government officials and organizations of those Muslim countries who are really and honestly combating terrorism."


The full text of the letter is as follows:

Hon. Mr. Francois Hollande, President of France;

Excellencies, Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Senior Officials of European States

The traumatic event of last night in Nice, which killed and wounded dozens of innocent people, was my motivation for writing this letter to you.

At the outset, I, on behalf of myself and hundreds of members of the Ahlulbayt World Assembly who cooperate with this international organization from all over the world, strongly condemn this terrorist attack.

I also avail myself of this opportunity to express my condolences to you, sympathize with the survivors of this crime, and pray to Almighty God to grace the souls of victims to rest in peace.

Such painful events during recent years, which hurt our region and Islamic countries repeatedly, has now reached your area. Yesterday we witnessed tragic events in Paris, Brussels, and Orlando; today we see it in Nice; and God knows whose turn it will be on tomorrow.

Will the threats of Takfirists and terrorist groups of ISIS and al-Qaeda come true in attacking Rome, London, Berlin, and Vienna to make bloody streets again? Under present circumstances, can we foresee any good prospects for the future of the world?

Why all these events are happening? Where is the origin of terrorists who have no mercy even on innocent children? Are they really Muslims? Which idea do their actions stem from? Who is providing them with financial support and weaponry?

Mr. Hollande!

European Leaders!

I know that you are fully aware of the answers; however, I would like to highlight the following five points for the disturbed and frightened conscience of the world:

1) I emphasize for you and all Western citizens to know that such terrorist acts are not approved by Islam. Having Arabic names and Islamic appearances does not mean that the perpetrators of these crimes are committing these crimes by the order of Islam. The most obvious sign of this fact is the long history of peaceful coexistence of religions in Islamic lands.

Condemning these crimes by both Shia and Sunni Muslim scholars from different sects and religions is another hallmark of the fact that Islamic communities do not recognize Takfirist terrorists as Muslim people.

The Holy Quran clearly states the general policy regarding human rights and protection of the souls of non-Muslims: “Allah does not forbid you from dealing with kindness and justice with those [non-Muslims] who did not make war against you on account of religion and did not expel you from your homes. Indeed Allah loves the just.”(Chapter 60: Verse 8)

This is what Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) did in the early days of his rule. He issued the Covenant of Medina to safeguard the rights, lives, and properties of non-Muslims.

Imam Ali, the first leader of all Islamic sects, too, has recommended all Muslims throughout history - in an historical command - to respect all people from different religions and beliefs where he wrote: “People are either of the two groups: either your brothers who are your coreligionists or your fellow human beings.”

2) Taking into consideration the above, we wonder what is the reason that you are constantly attributing these events to Islam and Muslims? Why does Mr. Hollande consider the recent event in Nice Islamic terrorism again?

Since the emergence of ISIS terrorists, you statesmen of Western countries and your powerful media have always called and are still calling this criminal group as Islamic State (!) whereas more than one billion Muslims in the world judge these people as criminals who know nothing of Islam and its humane teachings.

3) The terrorist operations that your countries are now experiencing are reflections of what we are suffering from in our region and our nations are being burnt with its flames.

If the day when the terrorists in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria massacred people, the European and American states deliberated on how to eradicate it instead of supporting them in international conferences, today you did not witness the advancement of violence to the doors of your homes.

4) To our surprise, we see French authorities continue to support the so-called Mojahedin-e-Khalq(MKO) terrorist group while their country is under attacks by Takfirist terrorists. The attacks in Paris and Nice has left a number of 300 victims; but the French Administration dares to support MKO terrorists who have murdered around 17000 innocent Iranians!

Worse than that, five days ago, France has allowed Turki al-Faisal, a Saudi security figure who has been an influential character in creating Takfirist terrorist groups such as Taliban, al-Qaeda, Isis, Boko Haram, and al-Nusra Front, to deliver a speech in support for MKO terrorists in the capital of France! Think for a moment; aren’t bitter events of attack on innocent civilians in the West as natural fruits of these your actions?

5) Takfirist criminals, nurtured by the inhuman thoughts of Wahhabism and Salafism, make no distinction between the aged and the young, male and female, black and white, European and Asian, Muslim and non-Muslim.

Takfirist terrorism has no specific religion. It just seeks to kill all those who do not think like itself.

Takfirist terrorism is a global threat; therefore, the only way to get rid of this destructive scourge is to push all countries in the world to fulfil their responsibilities to eradicate it. The first step in this way is to block all channels of financing and providing weaponry for terrorist groups and to close borders to prevent terrorists from joining the infantry units.

You and your security people are well aware of the source countries who are nurturing thousands of terrorists of al-Qaeda, ISIS, and al-Nusra with money, weaponry, and communication technologies. These terrorist are also justifying the legitimacy of their crimes based on religious verdicts of preachers and muftis of those countries.


The French President & Senior Officials of European countries!

It's time to save at least the lives of your innocent children and citizens by abandoning the dual approach and politicking, and by practicing your historical responsibility to act against the unleashed Takfirist terrorism.

Your best friends and sincere partners in this serious and consistent deal are truthful Muslim scholars as well as the government officials and organizations of those Muslim countries who are really and honestly combating terrorism.

“And may peace be upon those who follow the path of guidance”     (The Holy Quran: Chapter 20: Verse 47)


Mohammad Hasan Akhtari

Secretary General

The Ahlulbayt World Assembly

15 July 2016

source : abna24.com
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