Wednesday 27th of November 2024
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Grand Ayatollah Nouri: Arbaeen, greatest political-religious Shiite gathering

- In a meeting with the members of the Qom Arbaeen Committee, Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani, a senior Shia cleric, stressed the importance of providing service to the pilgrims of Imam Hussain (as) during Arbaeen; the senior cleric also pointed out the principles of a proper service to pilgrims adding, “the topmost principle in hosting Arbaeen pilgrims is to be well-organized and provide the safety of the travellers.”

- In a meeting with the members of the Qom Arbaeen Committee, Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani, a senior Shia cleric, stressed the importance of providing service to the pilgrims of Imam Hussain (as) during Arbaeen; the senior cleric also pointed out the principles of a proper service to pilgrims adding, “the topmost principle in hosting Arbaeen pilgrims is to be well-organized and provide the safety of the travellers.”

He then added, “Arbaeen ceremonies provide a great opportunity to promote Islam and to propagate true Islamic values to the world. A major issue to be addressed in this regard would be the issue of politics.”

“Arbaeen ceremonies bear a political aspect among other cultural perspectives; Since there are millions of people taking part in Arbaeen rituals it is in the Islamic world’s best interest to seize this opportunity in order to make the most out of this great religious gathering, particularly in case of Islamic politics.”

The revered Shia cleric went on, “Islam is a comprehensive religion since it offers teachings and solutions for every situation; we must do our best in order to realize genuine Islamic teachings in the society in areas suchas e conomy, lifestyle as well as politics.”

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