Chapter Four: The Ahl’ul Sunnah wa’ al Jamaah fatwa on the Nasibi cult
Imam of the Ahl’ul Sunnah Shah Abdul Aziz’s fatwa that Nawasib are equal to dogs and pigs
The high-ranking Sunni scholar Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddith Dehlavi writes in his famed anti-Shia book:
Tuhfa Isna Ashriya, Page 6, By Shah Abdul Aziz
Tuhfa Isna Ashriya, Page 6, By Shah Abdul Aziz
“The Ulema of Ahl’ul Sunnah regard the enemies of Ali, the Nawasib as the worst party, that recites the Shahada. We regard them as equivalent to dogs and pigs”.
Interestingly the Nasibi Ulema declare that you cannot drink from the bowl that the Shi’a have drunk from, but if a dog drinks from that same vessel you can. The rationale behind this fatwa is quite poignant in light of Shah’s comments, after all ‘birds of a feather flock together’. Those compared to dogs (Nasibis) will no doubt share water with their brethren. Dehlavi was of course pointing to the fact that Nasibis are Nijis (impure) in the same way that dogs and pigs are.
Imam of Ahl’ul Sunnah Shah Abdul Aziz’s fatwa that the Nasibi ideology is Kufr
Shah Abdul Aziz further writes:
Tuhfa Isna Ashriya, Page 227, By Shah Abdul Aziz
Tuhfa Isna Ashriya, Page 227, By Shah Abdul Aziz
“To suggest that there were no objections raised against Hadhrath Ali – by the Nasibis and Khawariji’s is incorrect, because the Khawarij and Nasibi like their black cursed faces have likewise blacked many pages. To make references to their kufr here would be disrespectful; but we have no choice since to quote the kufr matter is not kufr…”.
It is sufficient hear to say that one group has turned its back on the Family of the Prophet (s) and that group are the Nawasib. A peculiar trait of Nasibis is that they portray sympathies towards the Sahaba so as to gain acceptance from the Ahl’ul Sunnah. They will praise the Sahaba whilst at the same time disrespecting the Prophet (s) and his family. They will begin by attacking the companions and will then attribute what they have just said to the Shi’a – so as to pass kufr fatwas on them. It is so simple to declare Takfir on someone nowadays, that no one evades the Nasibi net, and they even have the audacity to declare that the esteemed parents of Prophet (s) were Kaffir.
According to Imam Naseemuddin Muhammad bin Merak al-Hanafi the curse of Allah, angels and of all human beings are on Nawasib
Imam of Ahle Sunnah Mulla Ali Qari in his book Jama al-Wasail Sharah al-Shumail, Volume 2 page 211 (Egypt) records the fatwa of Imam Naseemuddin Muhammad bin Merak Shah al-Hanafi (d. 935 H):
Jama Al-Wasail Fi Sharh Al-Shamail, Vol. 2 Page 211, By Ali bin Sultan Mohammad Al-Hanafi
Jama Al-Wasail Fi Sharh Al-Shamail, Vol. 2 Page 211, By Ali bin Sultan Mohammad Al-Hanafi
“An individual who has been declared a Nasibi carries no credibility and there is no respect for him, in fact he is an accursed and a lair, may the curse of Allah, his angels and of all human beings be upon such a person”
According to Qadhi Shokani Nawasib are Kafir
Qadhi Shokani states:
وإذا ثبت أن الناصبي من يبغض عليا عليه السلام فقد ثبت بالأحاديث الصحيحة الصريحة في كتب الحديث المعتمدة أن بغضه نفاق وكفر ۔ ۔ ۔ وثبت أن من أبغض عليا فقد أبغض الله ورسوله وبغض الله ورسوله كفر ۔ ۔ ۔ وفي الباب أحاديث كثيرة من طرق عن جماعة من الصحابة.وفي هذا المقدار كفاية فإن به يثبت أن الناصبي كافر، وأن من قال لرجل يا ناصبي! فكأنه قال: له يا كافر ۔
If it is proven that a Nasibi is one who bears a grudge towards Ali (as), then it is proven beyond a doubt throughSahih ahadeeth which clearly state in the book of ahadeeth that bearing a grudge against him (Ali) is hypocrisy and kufr ….[and then Shokani mentions the books and narrations]…it is hence proven that being jealous of him is tantamount to being jealous of Allah (swt) and his Prophet (s) is kufr …[Shokani again cites the the books]…and in this regard there are many ahadeeth from chains to the Sahaba and that shall suffice to prove that a Nasibi is a Kafir and so if someone calls a person ‘Oh Nasibi’ it means he said ‘Oh Kafir’.
al-Fatah ul Rabbani min Fatawa Imam Shokani, Volume 2 pages 873-876 (published in Yemen)
Chapter Five: The Nasibi doctrine of Tawheed
We shall seek to look at this topic in two parts, namely the Nasibi depiction of the:
Physical attributes of Allah
Characteristics of Allah (swt)
Part One – Nasibi Fatwas giving Allah (swt) a physical body
Not only do Nasabis have atrocious beliefs, casting aspersions upon the character of Allah (swt) they even seek to define him, by giving him physical characteristic. The Creator whose description is beyond our comprehension, is simplified to narrow minded Salafis, so much so that his characteristics are tantamount to those of humans. Here is just a sample of the beliefs of the self proclaimed upholders of Tauheed.
Salafi belief that Allah (swt) has hands, fingers and fingertips (God forbid)
We read in Sefat Allah by Alawi al-Saqaaf, page 246:
الْيَدَانِ صفةٌ ذاتيةٌ خبرِيَّةٌ لله عَزَّ وجَلَّ ، نثبتها كما نثبت باقي صفاته تعالى
“Possession of two hands is a quality of Allah, we believe in it as we believe in other qualities”
On page 184, we read:
الْكَفُّ صفةٌ ذاتيةٌ خبريةٌ ثابتةٌ لله عَزَّ وجَلَّ بالأحاديث الصحيحة
“Palm of the hand is a quality of Allah almighty proven by Sahih Hadiths”
On page 32, we read:
الأَصَابِعُ صفةٌ فعليَّةٌ خبريَّةٌ ثابتةٌ لله عَزَّ وجَلَّ بالسُّنَّة الصحيحة.
“Fingers are Allah’s quality proven by Sahih Sunnah”
On page 36, we read:
الأَنَامِلُ صفةٌ ذاتيةٌ خبريَّةٌ ثابتةٌ لله عَزَّ وجَلَّ بالحديث الصحيح.
“The Fingertip is a quality of Allah almighty proven by Sahih Hadith”
On page 26, we read that Allah (swt) uses his hands to lift things:
الأَخْذُ بِالْيَدِ صفةٌ فعليةٌ خبريَّةٌ ثابتةٌ لله عَزَّ وجَلَّ بالكتاب والسنة.
“Lifting by the hand is a quality of Allah proven by Quran and Sunnah.”
Similarly Salafi scholar Hamad bin Nassir al-Mu’amar states in Al-Tauhfa al-Madania, page 129:
وأن له يدين
“He (Allah) has two hands”
The strange Salafi claim that Allah (swt) has two right hands
We read in Al-Wajiz fi Aqidat Al-Salaf al-Saleh by Abdullah al-Athari, page 47:
وأَنَ الله تعالى خلق آدم – عليه السلام- بِيَديه ، وأَن كلتا يديه يمين
“Allah almighty created Adam (pbuh) with his own two hands both of which are right sided”
Salafi belief that Allah (swt) has a face, legs, feets, a shin, hands, waist, hips and flanks
We read in Sharh al-Aqida al-Wasetiya by Imam Ibn Uthaimin, page 179:
من عقيدتنا أننا نثبت أن لله وجها حقيقة
“Our belief is that Allah has a physical face”
We read in Sefat Allah by Alawi al-Saqaaf, page 101:
الرِّجْلُ وَالْقَدَمَانِ صفةٌ ذاتيةٌ خبريةٌ ثابتةٌ لله عَزَّ وجَلَّ بصحيح السنة.
“The leg and feet qualities of Allah proven by the Sahih Sunnah”
On page 113, we read:
السَّاقُ صفةٌ من صفات الذات الخبريَّة ، ثابتةٌ لله تعالى بالكتاب وصريحِ السنة الصحيحية.
“Shin is a quality of Allah, proven by the Quran and Sahih Sunnah”
On page 71, we read:
الْحُجْزَةُ وَالْحَقْوُ صفتان ذاتيان خبريَّتان ثابتتان بالسنة الصحيحة.
“Waist and hip are proven qualities by Sahih Sunnah”
About Allah (swt) possessing flank, Muhammad Sidiq Khan al-Qanooji records in Katf al-Thamar fi Bayan Aqidat Ahl al-Athar, page 76:
ومن صفاته سبحانه : اليد (1) ، واليمين (2) ، والكف (3) ، والإصبع (4) ، والشمال (5) ، والقدم (6) ، والرجل (7) ، والوجه (8) ، والنفس (9) ، والعين (10) ، والنزول (11) ، والإتيان (12) ، والمجيء (13) ، والكلام (14) ، والقول (15) ، والساق (16) ، والحقو (17) ، والجنب (18)…..
His almighty qualities are: hand, left hand, palm of the hand, finger, left hand, feet, leg, face, soul, eye, coming down, coming, arrival, talking, saying, shin, waist, flank…
Salafi belief that Allah (swt) factually talks to people
We read in Sharh al-Aqida al-Wasetiya by Imam Ibn Uthaimin, page 265:
عقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة أن الله يتكلم بكلام حقيقي متى شاء كيف شاء بما شاء بحرف وصوت
“The creed of Ahlulsunnah wal Jamah is that Allah speaks physically whenever He wants, whatever He wants and in whichever form He wants, by voice and words”
Salafi belief that Allah (swt) sits on the throne in a cross legged position
We read in Tafsir al-Tabari:
Muhammad bin Qays narrated that A man came to Ka’b and asked him, ‘O Ka’b, where is our Lord?’ People rebuked him, saying: ‘You dare ask such about Allah?’ Ka’b answered, ‘If you are learned, strive to learn more. And, if you are ignorant, seek knowledge. You asked about our Lord. He is above the great Throne, sitting, placing one of His legs over the other.
Tafsir al-Tabari, volume 21 page 501 Surah 42 Verse 5
We also read in Ebtal al-Tawilat, by Imam Abu Y’ala al-Fara, Volume 1 page 189:
Ubaid bin Hunayn said: ‘I was sitting in the mosque when Qatadah ibn Nu’man arrived. Then, he sat and kept discussing with people. Then the people roused against him, then he said: ‘Oh son of Hunayn let us move to Abu Saeed, I heard that he is ill’. Then two of us went together, until we came upon Abu Sa’eed. We met him sitting, placing his right leg over the left. We greeted him and sat. Then, Qatadah pinched Abu Saeed’s leg. Abu Sa’eed said, ‘Praise be to Allah! My brother you hurt me’. Qatadah answered: ‘I made this on purpose, ‘Messenger of Allah (swt) said, ‘Verily when Allah concluded creating His creation, He sat, and then placed one of His legs over the other’’. Then He said: ‘It is wrong for anyone to sit like this’. Abu Sa’eed said: ‘No offense. By Allah, I never did it again!’’.
Abu Yala said:
قال أبو محمد الخلال هذا إسناده كلهم ثقاة وهم مع ثقتهم شرط الصحيحين مسلم والبخاري
Abu Muhammad al-Khalal said: ‘This chain is reliable, according to the standards of Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari’.
This can also be read with different chains in:
1. Mujam al-Kabir, by Tabarani, v19, p13
2. Al-Asma wa al-Sifat, by Bayhaqi, hadith number 738
3. Marifat al-Sahaba, by Abu Naeem al-Asbahani, hadith number 5187 Al-Asma wa al-Sifat, by Bayhaqi, hadith number 738
So not only is Allah (swt) according to the Salafis sitting on a throne he is doing so in a cross legged manner! This type of depiction is reminiscent of the Hindi depictions of their Gods, wherein they are sitting in a cross legged position!
Salafi belief that Allah (swt) moves from one place to another
We read in Sefat Allah by Alawi al-Saqaaf, page 18:
الإتْيَانُ وَالْمَجِيءُ صفتان فعليتان خبريَّتان ثابتتان بالكتاب والسنة.
“Coming and arrival are two qualities which are proven by the Quran and traditions”
We read in Sharh al-Aqida al-Wasetiya by Imam Ibn Uthaimin, page 176:
وأهل السنة والجماعة يثبتون أن الله يأتي بنفسه هو
“Ahlulsunnah believes that Allah physically comes”
We read in Al-Wajiz fi Aqidat Al-Salaf al-Saleh, by Abdullah al-Athari, page 50:
ويؤمنون بأَنَّه تعالى يجيء يوم الميعاد للفصل بين العباد ، مجيئا حقيقيا يليق بجلاله
“They (the Salaf) believed that He (swt) would physically appear on the Day of Judgment in order to judge the people”
On page 48, Athari records:
وأهل السنة والجماعة : يؤمنون بأَن المؤمنين يَرَونَ ربهم في الآخرة بأَبصارهم ، ويَزُورُونَه ، ويُكلِّمهُم ويكلِّمونه
“The Ahlulsunnah wa al Jamah believe that the believers will see God with their eyesight in the hereafter and shall visit him, talk to him and He will talk to them”
Salafi belief that Allah (swt) can be physically seen in the sky
We read in Sharh al-Aqida al-Wasetiya by Imam Ibn Uthaimin, page 246:
فقد أجمع السلف رضي الله عنهم على أن الله تعالى بذاته في السماء
“There is consensus among the Salaf that He can be physically located in the sky”