Monday 23rd of December 2024
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Honouring guest

Honouring guest

The holy prophet (pbuh) said: honour your guest even IF he is an unbeliever)…

If a heathen is muslems guest, muslem shouldn’t neglect honouring him… muslem should prepare good foods for him and spreads sultable carpet for him and provide calmness for him… now imagin if a muslem and a bleiver is another muslems guest,think how much he should be hounered?

Bahram Gur says:: one day I saw a deer, and I decided to hunt it down, so I ran hastily after the deer. Accidently an Arab man camped in the same desert that I was running… the deer I was after ran toward the Arab’s tent fearfully and went into it.i thought to myself: it is great that the deer trapped itself unknowingly … so I prepared the arrow and headed toward the tent… but out of the blue an Arab man came out of the tent and said: aim your arrow toward me…and I told the Arab man: I have nothing to do with you… I want to hunt the deer… but he said: the deer is my guest, as long as the deer is under my protection you have to kill me first if you want to kill it, …

A desert- living Arab used to shelter and protects the animal that happened to be his quest before the mission of the Holy Prophet. Now imagine to what extent the Allah Almighty Quests will be benefited from his grace and merdy in Ramadhan month.

source : erfan.ir
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