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New Muslim Lady: Introducing Shiite Islam to Armenians Christians, My Dream

- A new Muslim lady from Armenia said, "I have the dream of returning to my country and get my Christian countrymen familiar with Islam and Shi’ism". Rena Asrian stated, "I am from Armenia and according to the Armenian customs every person is free to select his own religion. I had very little information about Islam when I wa

- A new Muslim lady from Armenia said, "I have the dream of returning to my country and get my Christian countrymen familiar with Islam and Shi’ism". 

Rena Asrian stated, "I am from Armenia and according to the Armenian customs every person is free to select his own religion. I had very little information about Islam when I was single".

He added, "My husband is Azeri and from Iran's Tabriz. When he met me in Armenia, he proposed me and said, jokingly, that he wants me to convert to Islam. At that time I got familiar with Shi’ite Islam for the first time".

Asrian reiterated, "In the earliest opportunity, I came to Iran and selected, after lots of studies and researches, Shi’ite Islam as my official religion".

"A few months after my conversion to Islam, I came to Mashhad with my father in law and restated the formula of faith (Shahadatain) at the Razavi Holy Shrine. I had a really strange feeling and became proud of my conversion, when I saw the Razavi golden dome for the first time", Asrian noted.

She said, "I have visited different holy shrines up to now but Mashhad is totally different for me as I feel real calmness and piece at the Razavi Shrine".

This new Muslim lady noted, "I wish I have an opportunity to return to Armenian and promote Shi’ite Islam since there is no propagation for Islam and Shi’ite rituals there".

It's worth mentioning that Rena Asrian converted to Shi’ite Islam last year Ordibehesht/ April and recited her formula of faith (Shahadatain) in Imam Reza's (A.S.) Holy Shrine. Her new name is Ra'na now ".

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