Professor Ansarian: the hellfire has been made by human himself.
He continued by saying that no new developments and change happen to humans neither in Purgatory nor in the Resurrection, if he were unjust and arrogant against the truth in this world, or if he has had no respect for the lawful and unlawful of Allah, and he thought everything is the world we live in, or like the saying of Imam Ali (AS) who has said ”he didn’t believe in herafter” and he thought this world is the real meaning of life. Some moods , intentions, thoughts , ethics and actions are all fire in the purgatory according to Surah Al-Mu'minun verse. Since he used to be a ruthless and oppressor and has had wicked moods and corrupted intentions a fire is prepared for him as his punishment.
Professor Ansarian emphasized that if Allah wants to put this fire out nothing is removed from his grace and mercy, or it is not true to say that Allah Almighty has no power to do so. This issue is not related to his power either. But it is the human fire. if I say oh Allah, please put the fire out, it means take him from himself while the lord of the universe doesn’t turn what he has created to its nothingness, so this creature is eternal and everlasting.