Sunday 30th of June 2024
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Prophet of Islam (PBUH) is the Messenger of Divine Ethics

Prophet of Islam (PBUH) is the Messenger of Divine Ethics

In Ayah 199 of Surah Al-A’araaf, Allah (SWT) commanded the Prophet of Islam (PBUH): “Forgive them and accept their excuses, command to what is right, and stay away from the ignorant.” When this Ayah was sent to the Prophet (PBUH), he asked Jabrail (AS): Who must I forgive? Jabrail (AS) replied: I must ask God, and then said: O’ Mohammad (PBUH), Allah (SWT) commands you that you must forgive the one, who oppressed and mistreated you, and give to the one who deprived you from good things, and establish relation with the one who cut his relation with you [1]. This is one of the most comprehensive ethical Ayahs which was sent to the Prophet (PBUH), and based on this Ayah, the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) said: The generosity of us, the Ahlul Bait is to forgive the one who oppressed us, and give (be charitable) to the one who deprived us [2].

[1] Majma’ul Bayan, Tabarsi, Footnote to Ayah 199, Surah Al-A’araaf.

[2] Ketabul Khesal, Sheikh Sadooq, Page 10.

source : en.shafaqna.com
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