Sunday 2nd of June 2024
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Encyclopedia of "Quran and Shi’ism" to be Published

Encyclopedia of

An encyclopedia of "Quran and Shi'ism" including Shia points of view about the Quran is being compiled and will be published next year by the Islamic College of London.


"Quran and Shi’ism" is an international encyclopedia compiled in English. It comprises three main parts: Shia viewpoints about the Quran, Shia Muslims’ Quranic activities in history and Shia beliefs based on the Quran.

The first part includes articles by Quran researchers, and the second part covers major Shia interpretations of the Quran, their translations, encyclopedias and Quranic studies. Quranic sources of Shia beliefs are discussed in the third part of the encyclopedia.

Upon completion, the encyclopedia will be published in 1500 pages. It will include 60 scientific articles by Iranian Quran researchers and scholars.

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